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Wind turbine maintenance model

Complexity: grade grade grade grade grade

Modeling approach: agent-based

Features: agent population agent type agent movement statechart 3D inheritance function variable

Let us build a model simulating how a maintenance center services wind turbines. There are 25 turbines, placed randomly in continuous space, that require maintenance.

There are two types of maintenance activities:

  1. Periodic maintenance:
    • Should be done once every two weeks.
    • Maintenance crew reaches the turbine by truck.
    • Service time is 10 hours.
  2. Emergency failure repairs:
    • Mean time between failures equals 50 days.
    • Maintenance crew reaches the turbine by helicopter.
    • Service time is uniformly distributed from 10 to 20 hours.

Wind turbines are serviced by one maintenance center. Center has a fleet of 2 helicopters and 5 trucks.

Optionally you can consider activity-based costing, adding costs per crew, adding part replacement logic with parts of different costs, etc.

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