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All cars operating in a Road Traffic Library flowchart provide the functions listed below.

Car dimensions
Function Description
double getLength() Returns the length of the car, in meters.
double getLength(LengthUnits units) Returns the length of the car, in specified length units. For instance, getLength(FOOT) returns the car length in feet.
void setLength(double length) Sets the length of the car, in meters. The new length value must be must be > 0. Length can be set only to a car that is not in the road network.
void setLength(double length, LengthUnits units) Sets the length of the car, in specified length units. For instance, setLength(4.5, METER) sets the car length to 4.5 meters. The new length value must be must be > 0. Length can be set only to a car that is not in the road network.
double getWidth() Returns the width of the car, in meters.
double getWidth(LengthUnits units) Returns the width of the car, in specified length units. For instance, getWidth(METER) returns the car width in meters.
Function Description
double getSpeed() Returns the current speed of the car, in meters per second.
double getSpeed(SpeedUnits units) Returns the current speed of the car, in specified speed units. For instance, getSpeed(KPH) returns the current car speed in kilometers per hour.
double getAverageSpeed() Returns the average speed of the car, in meters per second. If the car has not moved yet, the function returns 0.
double getAverageSpeed(SpeedUnits units) Returns the average speed of the car, in specified speed units.
For instance, get AverageSpeed(KPH) returns the preferred speed in kilometers per hour. If the car has not moved yet, the function returns 0.
double getPreferredSpeed() Returns the preferred speed of the car, in meters per second.
double getPreferredSpeed(SpeedUnits units) Returns the preferred speed of the car, in specified speed units. For instance, getPreferredSpeed(KPH) returns the preferred speed in kilometers per hour.
void setPreferredSpeed(double speed) Sets new preferred speed for the car, in meters per second.

speed — New preferred speed for the car
void setPreferredSpeed(double speed, SpeedUnits units) Sets new preferred speed for the car, in specified speed units. For instance, setPreferredSpeed(70, KPH) sets the preferred speed to 70 kilometers per hour.
Acceleration / deceleration
Function Description
boolean isAccelerating() Tests if the car is accelerating. Returns true if the car is accelerating (i.e. its acceleration is > 0), otherwise false.
boolean isDecelerating() Tests if the car is decelerating. Returns true if the car is decelerating (i.e. its acceleration is < 0), otherwise false.
double getAcceleration() Returns the current acceleration of the car, in meters per second2.
double getAcceleration(AccelerationUnits units) Returns the current acceleration of the car, in specified acceleration units. For instance, getAcceleration(FPS_SQ) returns the current car acceleration in feet per second2.
double getMaxAcceleration() Returns the maximum possible acceleration of the car, in meters per second2.
double getMaxAcceleration(AccelerationUnits units) Returns the maximum possible acceleration of the car, in specified acceleration units. For instance, getMaxAcceleration(FPS_SQ) returns the maximum possible acceleration in feet per second2.
double getMaxDeceleration() Returns the maximum possible deceleration of the car, in meters per second2.
double getMaxDeceleration(AccelerationUnits units) Returns the maximum possible deceleration of the car, in specified acceleration units. For instance, getMaxDeceleration(FPS_SQ) returns the maximum possible deceleration in feet per second2.
void setMaxAcceleration(double maxAcceleration) Sets new maximum possible acceleration of the car, in meters per second2. The value must be > 0.
void setMaxAcceleration(double maxAcceleration, AccelerationUnits units) Sets new maximum possible acceleration of the car, in specified acceleration units. For instance, setMaxAcceleration(3, FPS_SQ) sets the maximum possible acceleration to 3 feet per second2. maxAcceleration must be > 0.
void setMaxDeceleration(double maxDeceleration) Sets new maximum possible deceleration of the car, in meters per second2. The value must be > 0.
void setMaxDeceleration(double maxDeceleration, AccelerationUnits units) Sets new maximum possible deceleration of the car, in specified acceleration units. For instance, setMaxDeceleration(3, FPS_SQ) sets the maximum possible deceleration to 3 feet per second2. maxDeceleration must be > 0.
Distance driven
Function Description
double getDistanceDriven() Returns distance driven from the creation of the car or from the last call of resetDistanceDriven() function, in meters.
double getDistanceDriven(LengthUnits units) Returns distance driven from the creation of the car or from the last call of resetDistanceDriven() function, in the specified units.
void resetDistanceDriven() Resets the accumulation of distance driven to 0.
Car location
Function Description
Road getRoad() Returns the road where this car is located, if any, null if the car is not on a road.
int getLaneIndex() Returns index of the lane that the car is currently in. Lanes are numbered from outmost (that has index = 0) to inmost. If the car is currently changing lane, or car is not on a road (e.g. it is on intersection), the function returns -1.
double getRoadOffset() Returns the offset (measured along the road axis, i.e. the middle of the road’s median strip) from the beginning of the road in XY-projection. If the car is not on the road (e.g. it is on the intersection), returns -1. The offset value is returned in meters.
Intersection getIntersection() Returns the intersection where this car is located, if any, null if the car is not on an intersection currently.
ParkingLot getParkingLot() Returns the parking lot where this car is located, if any, null if the car is not on a parking lot currently.
BusStop getBusStop() Returns the bus stop where this car is located, if any, null if the car is not on a bus stop currently.
boolean isCarOn(Object roadNetworkPart) Checks if the car is now on the specified part of the road network (road, intersection, parking lot or bus stop). Returns true if the car is now on the specified part of the road network, false otherwise.

roadNetworkPart — Specified part of the road network (road, intersection, parking lot or bus stop)
boolean isOnForwardSide() Checks if the car is on the forward lane of the road. The returned value is only applicable if the car is on the road. Returns true if the car is on the forward lane of the road, returns false if the car is on the backward lane of the road. It also returns false if the car is not on the road.
RoadNetwork getRoadNetwork() Returns the road network where the car is currently in, or null if the car is not in a road network.
Function Description
RoadNetworkDescriptor getRoadNetworkDescriptor() Returns the RoadNetworkDescriptor block that configures the road network where the car is currently in. Returns null if the car is not in a road network.
boolean isChangingLane() Checks if the car is currently changing lane. Returns true if the car is currently changing lane, otherwise false.
Agent getCarInFront() Returns the car that is located in front of this car within this car’s attention range. Returns null if there is no such car. The car’s attention range changes dynamically and depends on the car’s speed.
void highlight(boolean yes) Highlights or dehighlights the car depending on the function’s argument value. A red circle is drawn around a highlighted car.

yes — If true, highlight the car, otherwise — Remove the highlight.
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