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Used to represent a number of storages as a single block with multiple racks and aisles and serves as a central access and management point for them.

To create a storage system, first you need to configure each individual storage separately. The storages do not need to be identical: they can have different capacities and dimensions; neither do they need to be graphically aligned. After the configuration is done, you simply provide the list of storages to the Storages parameter of the StorageSystem.

The actions of StorageSystem do not override the corresponding actions of individual storages and are executed after them.


The list of storages that should be included in the system.
Syntax: Storage[] storages


Occupied cells animation

Choose how the stored agents are drawn during model run. The available options are:

according to storage — each Storage element aggregated in this storage system uses its own setting specified in the element's Occupied cells animation parameter.
color indication (fast) — individual agent animation is hidden, and the cell is filled with the agent color or a blend of vertically stored agents' colors: this allows for a more informing view of multi-level racks and has much better performance for large-scale warehouses. You can set the agent's color by calling agent.setColor() function. If you choose this option, it will override individual storage settings of the same parameter.
agent animation — individual agent animation is placed in the center of the cell. If you choose this option, it will override individual storage settings of the same parameter.
Syntax: OccupiedCellAnimation drawMode
Valid values:


On agent storage
Here you can place the Java code that will be executed when the agent is placed inside the storage.
Local variables:
T agent — material item
StorageCell cell — storage cell
On agent retrieval
Here you can place the Java code that will be executed when the agent leaves the storage.
Local variables:
T agent — material item
StorageCell cell — storage cell
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