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Saving models

To save the current model

  • Click the Save AnyLogic: The Save icon toolbar button, or
  • Select File > Save from the main menu, or
  • Press Ctrl + S (macOS: Cmd + S).

To save the current model with a new name

  1. Select File > AnyLogic: The Save icon Save As… from the main menu.
    The Save As dialog box appears.
  2. Enter the new name and location for the model file.
    In AnyLogic preferences, you can select a folder to be used as the default save location.
    To save the model in the new multi-part ALPX format, first enable this option in preferences, then select the appropriate option in the Save As dialog.
  3. Click the Save button.

To save all opened models

  • Click the Save All AnyLogic: The Save All icon toolbar button, or
  • Select File > Save All from the main menu.
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