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Phase 5. Further model development

We created a basic supply chain model. The model logic is rather simple here: retailers request products from the distributor, if there is an idle truck, it receives the order and delivers it to the retailer who sent the product request. Having reached the retailer, the truck instantly moves back to the distributor.

While going through the tutorial phases we have learned to add a GIS map, read data from an external database and use the data to locate the agents on the GIS map.

We created several agent populations, and we also went through a case of creating just an agent type without any population.

We learned a lot of things. If we speak about the model itself, it should be said that its logic obviously lacks some adequacy.

We will mention certain things that are not considered in the model. Try your best in implementing these aspects:

  • Trucks do not spend any time on loading and unloading operations;
  • If all the trucks are currently busy, the incoming order will be lost — there is no backlog in the modeled system.

Check out our how-to video to learn alternative techniques of modeling the unloading operation at the retailer side. This video shows how to combine agent-based and process-based modeling approaches in your model. You will learn how to make an agent whose behavior is defined by a statechart go through a process defined by a flowchart.

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