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Agent API

Function Description
<T> T getParameter(String name) Returns the value of the parameter with the given name.
Throws an error if there is no parameter with the given name.

name — name of the static parameter
String[] getParameterNames() Returns an array that contains the names of all static parameters.
boolean setParameter(String name, Object value, boolean callOnChange) Sets the given value to the parameter with the given name. Returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise, returns false.

name — name of the static parameter
value — new value
callOnChange — pass true to enable calling additional custom code on parameter value change
void setParametersToDefaultValues() Sets all static parameters to their default values. This function is designed to be used in custom experiments for easier setup of the top-level agent in certain situations.
void markParametersAreSet() Use this function to mark agents created with no-argument constructor as having all the parameters set. This will prevent agents from parameter initialization at the first place where they are sent (in library blocks, populations etc.).

These functions are used by elements that require knowing the agent's dimensions during processing, for example, conveyors.

Function Description
void setDimensions(double lengthInMeters, double widthInMeters, double heightInMeters) Sets the length, the width, and the height of the agent in meters.

lengthInUnits — new value of agent's length
widthInUnits — new value of agent's width
heightInUnits — new value of agent's height
void setDimensions(double lengthInUnits, double widthInUnits, double heightInUnits, LengthUnits units) Sets the length, the width, and the height of the agent in given units.

lengthInUnits — new value of agent's length
widthInUnits — new value of agent's width
heightInUnits — new value of agent's height
units — a constant defining the length units
double getHeight() Returns the height of the agent in meters.
double getHeight(LengthUnits units) Returns the height of the agent in given units.

units — a constant defining the length units
void setHeight() Sets the height of the agent in meters.
void setHeight(double heightInUnits, LengthUnits units) Sets the height of the agent in given units.

heightInUnits — new value of agent's height
units — a constant defining the length units
double getLength() Returns the length of the agent in meters.
double getLength(LengthUnits units) Returns the length of the agent in given units.

units — a constant defining the length units
void setLength() Sets the length of the agent in meters. This only affects the agents handled by the blocks of the Process Modeling Library and Material Handling Library. To change the length of pedestrians, cars and other library-specific agents, use the library-specific API of these agents.
void setLength(double lengthInUnits, LengthUnits units) Sets the length of the agent in given units. This only affects the agents handled by the blocks of the Process Modeling Library and Material Handling Library. To change the length of pedestrians, cars and other library-specific agents, use the library-specific API of these agents.

lengthInUnits — new value of agent's length
units — a constant defining the length units
double getWidth() Returns the width of the agent in meters.
double getWidth(LengthUnits units) Returns the width of the agent in given units.

units — a constant defining the length units
void setWidth() Sets the width of the agent in meters.
void setWidth(double widthInUnits, LengthUnits units) Sets the width of the agent in given units.

widthInUnits — new value of agent's width
units — a constant defining the length units
Function Description
Color getColor() Returns the color of the agent's default animation shape. The color may be set using setColor(Color) function, or otherwise it will be chosen randomly.
In case of custom agent type, use getFillColor() or any similar function of the shape.
void setColor(Color color) Sets the color of the agent's default animation shape. Applies if the agent was created by a Source (PedSource, etc.) block with the "New agent" (“New pedestrian”, etc.) property set to the default "Agent" option. Also applies if the agent was created using the new Agent() constructor.
In case of custom agent type, use setFillColor() or any similar function of the shape.

color — new color
void highlight(boolean yes) Turns on/off highlighting of this agent animation.

yes — a boolean value. Pass true to turn on the highlighting; pass false to turn it off.
Function Description
IExperimentHost getExperimentHost() Returns the experiment host object of the model, or some dummy object with no functionality if there is none. Experiment host object provides access to the presentation of the running model and enables to control it (zoom in and out, navigate, etc.) using its API.
Function Description
Scale getScale() Returns the scale used by the space of this agent. The default scale is 10 pixels per meter.
double toLengthUnits(double lengthInPixels, LengthUnits units) Converts the given length in pixels to the length in length units using the scale of this agent that acts as "space".

lengthInPixels — length in pixels
units — a constant defining the length units
double toPixels(double lengthInUnits, LengthUnits units) Converts the length in the given length units to length in pixels using the scale of this agent that acts as "space".

lengthInUnits — length in length units
units — a constant defining the length units
Agent in flowchart
Function Description
FlowchartBlock currentBlock() Returns the current flowchart block this agent is being processed in.
double getBlockEnterTime() Returns the time when the agent entered the flowchart block where it currently resides. If the agent has not entered the flowchart yet, returns Double.NaN, which indicates that the result of the function call is invalid.
double getFlowchartEntryTime() Returns the time when the agent entered the first block in the flowchart. If the agent has not entered the flowchart yet, returns Double.NaN, which indicates that the result of the function call is invalid.
Function Description
<T extends Agent> List<T> resourceUnits() Returns the list of resource units seized by the agent or an empty list if no resource units have been seized.
Agent resourceUnitOfPool(Agent pool) Returns the first occurrence of a resource unit from the given ResourcePool block among the seized resource units, or null if no units were found.

pool — ResourcePool block
<T extends Agent> List<T> resourceUnitsOfPool(Agent pool) Returns the list of resource units currently seized by this agent from the given ResourcePool block.

pool — ResourcePool block
<T extends Agent> List<T> resourceUnitsOfSeize(Agent seize) Return the list of resource units currently seized by this agent in the given Seize block.

seize — Seize block
Other agents
Function Description
<T extends Agent> T getNearestAgent(java.lang.Iterable<T> agents) Returns the nearest agent from the given collection (or population). Does not return this agent itself. If the collection is empty, returns null.

agents — the collection (or population) of agents
<T extends Agent> T getNearestAgentByRoute(java.lang.Iterable<T> agents) Applies to GIS space  Returns the nearest agent from the given collection (or population). Distance between agents is calculated by route provider. Does not return this agent itself. If the collection is empty, returns null.

agents — the collection (or population) of agents
java.util.Collection<Agent> agents() Returns the collection of all agents registered within this space. You may iterate over that collection.
java.util.List<? extends Agent> agentsInRange(double distanceInUnits) Returns the unsorted list of agents (from the population this agent lives in), which are within the given distance from this agent.

distanceInUnits — the distance to search within, in pixels
java.util.List<? extends Agent> agentsInRange(double distanceInUnits, LengthUnits units) Returns the unsorted list of agents (from the population this agent lives in), which are within the given distance from this agent.

distanceInUnits — the distance to search within, in specified length units
units — a constant defining the length units
java.util.List<T> agentsInRange(java.lang.Iterable<T> agents, double distanceInUnits) Returns the unsorted list of agents from the given population (or collection) which are within the given distance from this agent.

agents — the population (or collection) of agents
distanceInUnits — the distance to search within, in pixels
java.util.List<T> agentsInRange(java.lang.Iterable<T> agents, double distanceInUnits, LengthUnits units) Returns the unsorted list of agents from the given population (or collection) which are within the given distance from this agent.

agents — the population (or collection) of agents
distanceInUnits — the distance to search within, in specified length units
units — a constant defining the length units
Agent randomAgentInside() Returns a randomly chosen agent in the space (or null if there are no agents).
Agent randomAgentInside(java.util.Random r) Returns a randomly chosen agent in the space (or null if there are no agents). Uses the specified random number generator.

r — the random number generator
Agent[] getNeighbors() Applies to discrete space  Returns the array of neighbor agents, subject to the current neighborhood type (Euclidean - {N,S,E,W}, Moore - also {..,NW,NW,SE,SW}).

The information on Agent API in charge of agent communication is described extensively in the article Communication between agents.

Function Description
<T extends Agent> List<T> getConnections() Returns a collection of agents connected to this agent (bi-directionally) or an empty collection if there are no connections at all. You should not modify this collection.
int getConnectionsNumber() Returns the number of agents connected to this agent.
Agent getConnectedAgent(int index) Returns the connected agent with the given index.

index — index of the connected agent
Agent getRandomConnectedAgent() Returns a randomly chosen connected agent.
boolean isConnectedTo(Agent a) Checks whether this agent is connected to the given agent. If they are connected, returns true; otherwise, returns false.

a — another agent
boolean connectTo(Agent a) Creates a bi-directional connection between this agent and the given agent and returns true. Throws an error if you try to connect the agent to itself. Does nothing and returns false if these agents are already connected.

a — another agent
void disconnectFrom(Agent a) Disconnects this agent from the given agent.

a — another agent
void disconnectFromAll() Disconnects the agent from all other agents.
Connection network
Function Description
NetworkType getNetworkType() Returns the network type. Note that this type has not necessarily been applied.
double getNetworkConnectionRange() Returns the range of agent connections. Applies to all in range network. In case of GIS space, the range is measured in meters.
double getNetworkConnectionsPerAgent() Returns the average (or exact) number of connections per agent. Applies to random, ring lattice and small world networks.
double getNetworkNeighborLinkProbability() Returns the probability of an agent connection being a neighbor. Applies to small world network.
int getNetworkScaleFreeM() Returns the number of connections in a scale free network.
void applyNetwork() Discards all existing connections and establishes a new connection network according to the current network settings.
void applyNetwork(Random r) Discards all existing connections and establishes new connection network according to the current network settings, using the given random number generator, if required by network type.
void setNetworkAllInRange(double connectionRange) Sets network type to the one when agents are connected if the distance between them is less or equal to the given connectionRange. This network type is only possible in continuous space. Call applyNetwork() to actually create network connections.

connectionRange — maximum distance between agents
void setNetworkRandom(double connectionsPerAgent) Sets network type to random with the given average number of connections per agent. Call applyNetwork() to actually create network connections.

connectionsPerAgent — average number of connections per agent
void setNetworkRingLattice(int connectionsPerAgent) Sets network type to ring lattice. All agents are organized in a ring in their natural order and each agent is connected to the given number of closest neighbors. Call applyNetwork() to actually create network connections.

connectionsPerAgent — number of connections per agent (even)
void setNetworkScaleFree(int m) Sets the network type to scale free. Scale free network is constructed according to Barabasi, A.L. and R. Albert. 1999. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science 286(5439): 509-512. Call applyNetwork() to actually create network connections.

m — the number of connections in the network. The agent with index m will most likely be a hub.
void setNetworkSmallWorld(int connectionsPerAgent, double neighborLinkProbability) Sets network type to small world. Small world network can be obtained from a ring lattice by rewiring some links to long-distant links. Call applyNetwork() to actually create network connections.

connectionsPerAgent — number of connections per agent (even)
neighborLinkProbability — probability of connection to neighbors
void setNetworkUserDefined() Sets network type to user-defined. As a result, the subsequent call of applyNetwork() will do nothing. This is a default network type.
Function Description
SpaceType getAgentSpaceType() Returns space type where this agent lives, if this agent has spatial information. Returns SPACE_UNDEFINED if no agent spatial information is defined.

SpaceType getSpaceType() Returns the agent space type, if this object acts as a space for other agents. Returns SPACE_UNDEFINED if spatial information is not defined.
Agent getSpace() Returns the agent representing the space this agent lives in.
Point randomPointOfSpace() Applies to continuous space  Returns the random location within the space bounds.
double spaceWidth() Applies to continuous space  Applies to discrete space  Returns the width of the space.
double spaceHeight() Applies to continuous space  Applies to discrete space  Returns the height of the space.
double spaceZHeight() Applies to continuous space  Returns the height of the space along Z-axis.
void setSpace(Agent space) Sets the space for the agent. Shouldn't be called for moving agents. Coordinates and rotations remain unchanged.

space — the agent representing the space this agent will live in
void setupSpace(AbstractShapeGISMap gisMap) Sets the agent to have GIS space based on the given gisMap. This function should be called only when the space is empty. Throws an error if the space type of the agent is not GIS.

gisMap — the GIS map to use in this agent; shouldn't be null
void setupSpace(double width, double height) Sets the space to the given dimensions. The dimensions are used only when various layouts are applied and do not restrict the location or movement of the agents. This function should be called only when the space is empty.

width — the width of the space
height — the height of the space
void setupSpace(double width, double height, double zHeight) Sets the space to the given dimensions. The dimensions are used only when various layouts are applied and do not restrict the location or movement of the agents. This function should be called only when the space is empty.

width — the width of the space
height — the height of the space
zHeight — the height of the space along Z-axis
void setupSpace(double width, double height, int rows, int columns, NeighborhoodType neighborhoodType) Sets the space type to discrete with the given dimensions and neighborhood type. A cell in such space will have a size of (width/columns) by (height/rows). This function should be called only when the space is empty.

width — the width of the space
height — the height of the space
rows — the number of rows in the space
columns — the number of columns in the space
neighborhoodType — the type of neighborhood (Euclidean, Moore)
Function Description
LayoutType getLayoutType() Returns the layout type. Note that this type has not necessarily been applied.

Valid return values:
LAYOUT_ARRANGED — Arranged (applies only to discrete space)
LAYOUT_RING — Ring (applies only to continuous space)
LAYOUT_SPRING_MASS — Spring mass (applies only to continuous space)
void setLayoutType(LayoutType type) Sets the layout type. To apply the layout call applyLayout(). The default layout is LAYOUT_USER_DEFINED, i.e. arbitrary.

type — the new layout type
Possible values:
LAYOUT_ARRANGED — Arranged (applies only to discrete space)
LAYOUT_RING — Ring (applies only to continuous space)
LAYOUT_SPRING_MASS — Spring mass (applies only to continuous space)
void applyLayout() Rearranges agents in this space according to the selected layout type.
Function Description
double getX() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the current (up-to-date) X-coordinate of the agent in space. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the agent, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
double getY() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the current (up-to-date) Y-coordinate of the agent in space. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the agent, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
double getZ() Applies to continuous space  Returns the current (up-to-date) Z-coordinate of the agent in space.
double getLatitude() Applies to GIS space  Returns the current (up-to-date) latitude of the agent, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
double getLongitude() Applies to GIS space  Returns the current (up-to-date) longitude of the agent, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
Point getXYZ() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the Point object containing current (up-to-date) coordinates of the agent. In case of GIS space the returned point.x is the latitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90), point.y is the longitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180), and point.z is set to 0.
Point getXYZ(Point out) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the Point object containing current (up-to-date) coordinates of the agent. In case of GIS space the returned point.x is the latitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90), point.y is the longitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180), and point.zS is set to 0. out — the object which will be used to write coordinates to (may be null)
Position getPosition() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the Position object containing current (up-to-date) coordinates of the agent and its orientation. In case of GIS space the returned point.x is the latitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90), point.y is the longitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180), and point.z is set to 0.
Position getPosition(Position out) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the Position object containing current (up-to-date) coordinates of the agent and its orientation. In case of GIS space the returned point.x is the latitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90), point.y is the longitude of the current location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180), and point.z is set to 0.

out — the object which will be used to write coordinates to (may be null)
INode getNetworkNode() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the network node this agent currently is located in.
void setLocation(Agent agent) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Sets the location of the specified agent as the new location for the agent.

agent — the agent
void setLocation(Attractor attractor) Applies to continuous space  Sets the current network location for the agent: agent will be placed in the network node containing the given attractor, at the attractor coordinates.

attractor — the attractor
void setLocation(INode node) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Sets the coordinates of the agent location and puts it into the network node. Assumes the agent is not moving.
Should only be used to initialize the agent location. For dynamic assignment, please use jumpTo(INode) function.
node — the network node
void setLocation(Point point) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Sets the location for the agent. Assumes the agent is not moving.
Should only be used to initialize the agent location. For dynamic assignment, please use jumpTo(Point) function.
point — the object storing the location
void setXY(double x, double y) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Sets the coordinates of the agent location.
Assumes the agent is not moving. Should only be used to initialize the agent location.
x — the X-coordinate of the location. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90)
y — the Y-coordinate of the location. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180)
void setXYZ(double x, double y, double z) Applies to continuous space  Sets the coordinates of the agent location in continuous space. Assumes the agent is not moving. If the agent is not in a continuous space, does nothing.
Should only be used to initialize the agent location. For dynamic assignment, please use jumpTo(x, y, z) function.
x — the X-coordinate of the location
y — the Y-coordinate of the location
z — the Z-coordinate of the location
void setPosition(Position position) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Sets the coordinates and orientation for the agent. Assumes the agent is not moving.
Should only be used to initialize the agent location. For dynamic assignment, please use jumpTo(x, y) function.
position — the object storing the location and orientation
void setLatLon(double latitude, double longitude) Applies to GIS space  Sets the coordinates of the agent location in GIS space.
Assumes the agent is not moving. Should only be used to initialize the agent location.
latitude — the latitude of the location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90)
longitude — the longitude of the location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180)

The functions in this section apply to agents living in continuous or GIS space. The API related to discrete space is described in the Discrete space section.

For agent movement initiated with call of any moveTo() function, On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.
Function Description
boolean isMoving() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Tests if the agent is currently moving.
Returns true if the agent is moving, false otherwise.
double timeToArrival() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the time to arrival to the target location, in model time units. If the agent is not moving, returns 0.
double timeToArrival(TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the time to arrival to the target location, in model time units. If the agent is not moving, returns 0. units — a constant defining the time units
void stop() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Stops the agent (if it was moving) and leaves it at the current location. On arrival to target destination action is not executed.
void moveTo(double x, double y) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given target location.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
void moveToStraight(double x, double y) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network/routes) to the given target location.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
void moveTo(double x, double y, double z) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given target location.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location
z — the Z-coordinate of the target location
void moveToStraight(double x, double y, double z) Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network/routes) to the given target location in continuous space.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location
z — the Z-coordinate of the target location
void moveTo(Agent agent) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given agent. agent — the agent to move to
void moveToStraight(Agent agent) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network/routes) to the given agent. agent — the agent to move to
void moveTo(String geographicPlace) Applies to GIS space  Sends a request to the GIS server to find the location with the specified name and starts the movement of the agent to the found GIS location. node — the name of the place (e.g. city name)
void moveTo(Point location) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.

location — the target location
void moveToStraight(Point location) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network/routes) in the direction of the given target location.

location — the target location
void moveTo(INode node) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the specified network node. node — the network node
void moveTo(INode node, Point location) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the specified location inside the given network node.

node — the network node
location — (optional) location within node, may be null
void moveTo(Attractor attractor) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given attractor. attractor — the attractor
void moveToNearestAgent(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Agent> agents) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the nearest agent from the given collection (or population). Stops any current movement.

agents — the collection (or population) of agents
Movement with specified trip time
Function Description
void moveToInTime(double x, double y, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(double x, double y, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x — the X-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
y — the Y-coordinate of the target location. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the target location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(double x, double y, double z, double tripTime) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x, y, z — X-, Y-, Z- coordinates of the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(double x, double y, double z, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x, y, z — X-, Y-, Z- coordinates of the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(Agent agent, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given agent.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

agent — the agent to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(Agent agent, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given agent.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

agent — the agent to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(Attractor attractor, double tripTime) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given attractor.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

attractor — the attractor to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(Attractor attractor, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given attractor.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

attractor — the attractor to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(INode node, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given network node.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

attractor — the network node to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(INode node, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given network node.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

attractor — the network node to move to
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(INode node, Point location, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given location inside the specified network node.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

node — the network node
location — (optional) location within node, may be null
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(INode node, Point location, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the given location inside the specified network node.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

node — the network node
location — (optional) location within node, may be null
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToInTime(Point location, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

location — the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToInTime(Point location, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

location — the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToNearestAgent(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Agent> agents, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts movement to the nearest agent from the given collection (or population). Stops any current movement.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

agents — the collection (or population) of agents
tripTime — the time of the movement trip
void moveToStraightInTime(double x, double y, double z, double tripTime) Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network) in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x, y, z — X-, Y-, Z- coordinates of the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToStraightInTime(double x, double y, double z, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network) in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

x, y, z — X-, Y-, Z- coordinates of the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
void moveToStraightInTime(Point location, double tripTime) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network) in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime model time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

location — the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in model time units
void moveToStraightInTime(Point location, double tripTime, TimeUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Starts straight movement (ignoring network) in the direction of the given target location.
Changes the speed of the agent in order to reach target in tripTime time units. On arrival to target destination code is executed when the movement is finished.

location — the target location
tripTime — the time of the movement trip, in specified time units
units — a constant defining the time units
Instant movement (jumping)
All “jump” functions do not call “on arrival” code.
Function Description
void jumpTo(double x, double y) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Instantly moves the agent to a given location in space. Terminates any movement.

x — the X-coordinate of the new location. In case of GIS space this is the latitude of the new location, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
y — the Y-coordinate of the new location. In case of GIS space this is the longitude of the new location, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180)
void jumpTo(double x, double y, double z) Applies to continuous space  Instantly moves the agent to a given location. Terminates any movement.

x — the X-coordinate of the new location.
y — the Y-coordinate of the new location.
z — the Z-coordinate of the new location.
void jumpTo(String geographicPlace) Applies to GIS space  Sends a request to the GIS server to find the location with the specified name and instantly moves the agent to the found GIS location.

node — the name of the place (e.g. city name)
void jumpTo(INode node) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Instantly moves the agent inside the specified network node. Terminates any movement.

node — the network node
void jumpTo(INode location, Point location) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Instantly moves the agent to a given point inside the specified network node. Terminates any movement.

node — the network node
location — (optional) location within node, may be null
void jumpTo(Point location) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Instantly moves the agent to a given location. Terminates any movement.

location — the new location
void jumpToCell(int r, int c) Applies to discrete space  Moves the agent into a cell with the given row and column. Raises an error if this cell is occupied.

r — the row of the new cell
c — the column of the new cell
boolean jumpToRandomEmptyCell() Applies to discrete space  Finds a random empty cell and places the agent there. If there is no empty cell, does nothing. Returns true if the found cell was empty, and the agent was successfully moved there, otherwise returns false.
Movement target
Function Description
double getTargetX() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the X-coordinate of the target location if the agent is currently moving. If not, returns the agent's current X-coordinate in continuous or GIS space. In case of GIS space it is the latitude, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
double getTargetY() Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the Y-coordinate of the target location if the agent is currently moving. If not, returns the agent's current Y-coordinate in continuous or GIS space. In case of GIS space it is the longitude, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
double getTargetZ() Applies to continuous space  Returns the Z-coordinate of the target location if the agent is currently moving. If not, returns the agent's current Z-coordinate in continuous space.
double getTargetLat() Applies to GIS space  Returns the latitude of the target location if the agent is currently moving. If not, returns the agent's current latitude. The latitude is measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90).
double getTargetLon() Applies to GIS space  Returns the longitude of the target location if the agent is currently moving. If not, returns the agent's current longitude. The longitude is measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180).
Distance to other point/agent
Function Description
double distanceByRoute(Agent other) Applies to GIS space  Returns the distance from this agent to another agent considering the length of the existing route.

other — the agent to calculate the distance to
double distanceTo(Agent other) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified agent. In case of GIS space returns the distance measured in meters.

other — the agent to calculate the distance to
double distanceTo(Agent other, LengthUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified agent, in specified units. In case of GIS space returns the distance measured in meters.

other — the agent to calculate the distance to
units — a constant defining the length units
double distanceTo(double x, double y) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified point.

x — the X-coordinate of the point. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the point, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90)
y — the Y-coordinate of the point. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the point, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180)
double distanceTo(double x, double y, LengthUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified point, in specified units.

x — the X-coordinate of the point. In case of GIS space it is the latitude of the point, measured in degrees (-90 ... (South) ... 0 ... (North) ... +90)
y — the Y-coordinate of the point. In case of GIS space it is the longitude of the point, measured in degrees (-180 ... (West) ... 0 ... (East) ... +180)
units — a constant defining the length units
double distanceTo(double x, double y, double z) Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified point.

x — the X-coordinate of the point
y — the Y-coordinate of the point
z — the Z-coordinate of the point
double distanceTo(Point p) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified point.

p — the point to calculate the distance to
double distanceTo(Point p, LengthUnits units) Applies to GIS space  Applies to continuous space  Returns the distance from this agent to the specified point, in specified units.

p — the point to calculate the distance to
units — a constant defining the length units
Applies only to agents living in continuous or GIS space.
Function Description
double getSpeed() Returns the agent speed (speed is the setting of the agent, its "cruising speed"), measured in meters per second. Note that nonzero speed does not mean the agent is moving - it starts moving only after moveTo() function is called.
double getSpeed(SpeedUnits units) Returns the agent speed, measured in specified units. Note that nonzero speed does not mean the agent is moving - it starts moving only after moveTo() function is called.

units — a constant defining the speed units
void setSpeed(double speedInMPS) Sets the new speed ("cruising speed") for the agent (measured in meters per second). If the agent is moving, it continues moving from the current location with the new speed. Note that nonzero speed does not mean the agent is moving - it starts moving only after moveTo() function is called.

speedInMPS — new speed value
void setSpeed(double speedInUnits, SpeedUnits units) Sets new speed for the agent (measured in the given units). If the agent is moving, it continues moving with the new speed. Note that nonzero speed does not mean the agent is moving - it starts moving only after moveTo() function is called.

speedInUnits — new speed value
units — a constant defining the speed units
Applies only to agents living in continuous or GIS space.
Function Description
double getRotation() Returns the current rotation angle (in radians) of the agent. The rotation angle is measured in radians (from animation point (1, 0), clockwise around (0, 0) point).
double getGISHeading() Returns current heading angle (measured in radians CW, starting from North direction) of the agent. Valid only for agents living in the GIS space.
void setRotation(double rotation) Sets the rotation angle (in radians) of the agent animation. Depending on automatic rotation setting, this rotation value may be overridden during the next call of moveTo() function or during the current movement.

rotation — the rotation angle of the agent in radians (measured from animation point (1, 0), clockwise around (0, 0) point)
boolean isAutomaticHorizontalRotation() Returns true if the agent is set to be rotated during movement, false otherwise.
void setAutomaticHorizontalRotation(boolean yes) Defines whether the agent animation should be automatically turned towards the target during the agent movement.

yes — if true, the agent's animation will turn towards the target during the agent movement, if false - not
double getVerticalRotation() Returns the current vertical rotation angle of the agent in continuous space. The rotation angle is measured in radians around Y axis (CW from +Z to +X).
void setVerticalRotation(double rotation) Sets the vertical rotation (angle in radians), along Z-axis of the agent animation in continuous space.
boolean isAutomaticVerticalRotation() Returns true if the agent is set to be automatically rotated vertically (along Z-axis), i.e. inclined toward/backward when the agent moves along the inclined plane (typical example - a box transported by a sloped conveyor), false otherwise (e.g. a passenger going upstairs).
void setAutomaticVerticalRotation(boolean yes) Defines whether the agent animation should be automatically inclined toward/backward when the agent moves along the inclined plane.

yes — if true, the agent's animation will be rotated vertically, if false - not
Discrete space
Function Description
int getR() Applies to discrete space  Returns the index of the row of the agent's cell in the discrete space.
int getC() Applies to discrete space  Returns the index of the column of the agent's cell in the discrete space.
int spaceRows() Applies to discrete space  Returns the number of rows in the discrete space.
int spaceColumns() Applies to discrete space  Returns the number of columns in the discrete space.
double spaceCellWidth() Applies to discrete space  Returns the width of the cell in discrete space.
double spaceCellHeight() Applies to discrete space  Returns the height of the cell in discrete space.
CellPosition randomEmptyCell() Applies to discrete space  Tries to find a pseudo-randomly chosen empty cell and returns its row and column in the array with two elements. The current implementation is 100% fairly random.
void setCell(int r, int c) Applies to discrete space  Puts the agent into a given cell of discrete space. It is assumed the cell is empty, and the agent has not yet been assigned a cell.
Should only be used to initialize the agent location.
r — the row of the cell
c — the column of the cell
boolean isNextCellInsideSpace(CellDirection dir) Applies to discrete space  Checks whether the adjacent cell in the given direction exists in the discrete space grid. Returns true if the cell exists, and false if not, and going in the given direction will push agent outside the discrete space grid (e.g. moveToNextCell(CellDirection) will throw error in such case).

dir — the direction (NORTH, SOUTH, ..., NORTHEAST, ...)
void swapWithAgent(Agent anotherAgent) Applies to discrete space  Swaps the cell location of this agent with another agent (it should be located in the same discrete space).

anotherAgent — agent to swap cell location with
void swapWithCell(int r, int c) Applies to discrete space  Swaps this agent with an agent at the cell with the given row and column. That cell may be empty - is this case simply moves the agent there.

r — the row of the new cell
c — the column of the new cell
void swapWithNextCell(CellDirection dir) Applies to discrete space  Swaps the agent with an agent at the adjacent cell in a given direction.

dir — the direction (NORTH, SOUTH, ..., NORTHEAST, ...)
void moveToNextCell(CellDirection dir) Applies to discrete space  Moves the agent to the adjacent cell in a given direction.

dir — the direction (NORTH, SOUTH, ..., NORTHEAST, ...)
void jumpToCell(int r, int c) Applies to discrete space  Moves the agent into a cell with the given row and column. Raises an error if this cell is occupied.

r — the row of the new cell
c — the column of the new cell
boolean jumpToRandomEmptyCell() Applies to discrete space  Finds a random empty cell and places the agent there. If there is no empty cell, does nothing. Returns true if the found cell was empty, and the agent was successfully moved there, otherwise returns false.
Agent getAgentAtCell(int r, int c) Applies to discrete space  Returns the agent located in the cell with the given row and column (or null, if the cell is empty).

r — the row of the cell
c — the column of the cell
Agent getAgentNextToMe(CellDirection dir) Applies to discrete space  Returns the agent next to this agent in the given direction, if any.

dir — the direction (NORTH, SOUTH, ..., NORTHEAST, ...)
GIS space
Function Description
IRouteProvider getRouteProvider() Applies to GIS space  Returns the provider of routes for agent movement.
void setRouteProvider(IRouteProvider routeProvider) Applies to GIS space  Sets the route provider for agent movement. Stops agent if it is moving.

routeProvider — the new route provider
AbstractShapeGISMap getGISMap() Applies to GIS space  Returns AbstractShapeGISMap object used in this GIS space. Throws an error if the agent has space type different from GIS. Note that the returned object has the base GIS map type. For additional services, cast it to the ShapeGISMap class.
Function Description
INetwork getNetwork() Applies to continuous space  Returns the network this agent lives in.
INetwork[] getNetworks() Returns an array of networks located in this agent or an empty array.
ConveyorNetwork[] getConveyorNetworks() Returns an array of conveyor networks located in this agent or an empty array.
RailwayNetwork[] getRailwayNetworks() Returns an array of railway networks located in this agent or an empty array.
RoadNetwork[] getRoadNetworks() Returns an array of road networks located in this agent or an empty array.
INode getNetworkNode() Applies to continuous space  Returns the network node this agent is located in currently.
Function Description
getLevel() Applies to continuous space  Returns the level this agent lives in.
Level[] getLevels() Returns an array of levels located in this agent or an empty array.
setLevel(Level level) Applies to continuous space  Sets this agent to live in the given level.

level — the level this agent will live in
Function Description
boolean inState(IStatechartState<?,?> state) Returns true if the corresponding statechart of this agent is at the specified state, i.e. exactly in the state for a simple state and in one of its inner states for a composite state.

state — the state
Change notification, events
Function Description
void onChange() Notification to the agent that means "some of your data may have changed during this event". Possible causes are:
1. Re-evaluation of conditions in events and statechart transitions with Condition triggers
2. Re-calculation of rates in events and statechart transitions with Rate triggers
By default this function is called if the agent originates an event or if a message is received by one of its ports. This can be prevented by calling nothingChanged().
You can also call this function manually if you want a particular agent to notice the change even if it had no events.
void nothingChanged() If called during an event execution, prevents the engine from calling onChange() of the agent that originated the event. Has effect only within one event. Does not affect other agents where the user may have manually called onChange() or it got called by ports, etc.
java.util.Set<DynamicEvent> getDynamicEvents() Returns the set of all currently existing (active) dynamic events of this agent. The user should not change this set.
Agents as containers

By default, every agent has an internal collection contents() similar to containers created in Batch and Pickup blocks of Process Modeling Library. The functions listed in this section help you add other agents to contents() and remove them as you see fit.

Function Description
<T extends Agent> List<T> contents() Returns the list of agents that are stored in the agent's internal contents() collection.
addAgentToContents(Agent agent) Adds the given agent to the agent's internal contents() collection.

agent — the agent that is added to the internal collection
removeAgentFromContents(Agent agent) Removes the given agent from the agent's internal contents() collection.

agent — the agent that is removed from the internal collection
Populations, model hierarchy
Function Description
Agent getRootAgent() Returns the top-level agent of the model, or null if it cannot be found.
Agent getOwner() Returns the owner agent that encapsulates this one, or null if this agent is the top-level agent of the model.
AgentList<?> getPopulation() For an agent living in a population, returns the list of agents embedded in the owner agent where this agent belongs to, or null if the agent is not replicated (does not live in a population).
AgentList<Agent> getDefaultPopulation() Returns the default population (contained in the top-level agent), or null if the top-level agent cannot be found.
void goToPopulation(AgentList newPopulation) Changes the population of the agent. The agent will leave its current space and get into space of the newPopulation (if it has any).

newPopulation — the new agent population. If it is null, the agent will get into the default population of the top-level agent of the model and will leave its current space.
void deleteSelf() Removes this agent from the agent population (replicated agent list) it belongs to. Throws an error if the agent belongs to some flowchart block (i.e. it is the agent flowing through the flowchart blocks). Also throws an error if the agent does not belong to any population (e.g. when it is a single, not replicated agent).
boolean isReplicated() Returns true if this agent is embedded in its owner agent as replicated, i.e. as a member of a list of agents, and false otherwise.
int getIndex() If this agent lives in a list-based agent population, returns the index of the agent in this list. Returns -1 if the agent population is not list-based.
Current implementation is inefficient (it has linear complexity).
Synchronization steps
Function Description
boolean areStepsEnabled() Tests whether the time steps are enabled. If time steps are enabled, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
void enableSteps(double stepDuration) Enables discrete time steps of the given duration.

stepDuration — duration of the time step
void disableSteps() Disables time steps.
Function Description
Engine getEngine() Returns the simulation engine where this agent belongs to.
void setEngine(Engine engine) Sets the simulation engine for the agent. Is required when the default agent constructor is invoked.

engine — the simulation engine that will handle this agent
Model execution control
Function Description
boolean runSimulation() This is an engine command that is applicable only in PAUSED state. In other states does nothing and returns false.
It puts the engine into RUNNING state and then starts the model execution in a separate thread. The execution may discontinue due to the one of the following reasons:
  • there are no more events to execute
  • the predefined model execution time has run out
  • pause() was called
  • top-level agent has been destroyed
  • exception occurred during event execution or agent destruction
This function should never be called from the model execution thread!
By the time this method finishes, then engine may already be in PAUSED, FINISHED, or ERROR state.
boolean pauseSimulation() This is an engine command that is applicable only in RUNNING state. In other states it does nothing and returns false.
This function puts the engine into PLEASE_WAIT state and then sets a flag that, when tested by the engine, causes it to pause after completing the current event execution. Further behavior depends on context where this method is called:
  • When this function is called from the model execution thread, from control action code, or from on-click code of a shape, it returns true immediately. The model is finished right after the current event execution.
  • When this function is called from other locations (e.g. the user-defined concurrent thread), it waits for the model execution thread to terminate and returns true.
By the time this method finishes, the engine may be in PAUSED, FINISHED, or ERROR state.
boolean stopSimulation() This is an engine command that is applicable only in any non-IDLE state (in IDLE state does nothing and returns false.
If the state is RUNNING, the function sets a flag that, when tested by the model execution thread, causes it to terminate. Further behavior depends on context where this function is called:
  • When this function is called from the model execution thread, or from control action code, or from on-click code of a shape, it returns true immediately, leaving the model in PLEASE_WAIT state. The model is stopped and destroyed some time later (After Simulation Run code of an experiment or On Destroy code of the top-level agent may be used to handle this moment.
  • When this function is called from other locations (e.g. the user-defined concurrent thread), it waits for the model execution thread to terminate and then destroys the model (calls root.onDestroy()) and forgets it. Then it puts the engine into IDLE state and returns true.
boolean finishSimulation() This is an engine command that is applicable only in RUNNING or PAUSED state. In other states it does nothing and returns false.
The command sets a flag that, when tested by the engine, causes it to finish after completing the current event execution. Further behavior depends on the context where this function is called:
  • When this function is called from the model execution thread, control action code, or from on-click code of a shape, it returns true immediately. The model is finished right after the current event execution (After Simulation Run code of an experiment may be used to handle this moment).
  • When this function is called from other locations (e.g. from the user-defined concurrent thread), the function waits for the model execution thread to terminate and returns true.
By the time this function is executed, the engine may be in FINISHED or ERROR state.
Error signaling
Function Description
RuntimeException error(Throwable cause, String errorText) Signals an error during the model run by throwing a RuntimeException with errorText preceded by the agent full name. This function never returns, it throws runtime exception by itself. The return type is defined for the cases when you want to use the following form of call: throw error(my message);

cause — the cause (which will be saved for more detailed message), may be null
errorText — the text describing the error that will be displayed
RuntimeException errorInModel(Throwable cause, String errorText) Signals a model logic error during the model run by throwing a ModelException with specified error text preceded by the agent full name. This function never returns, it throws runtime exception by itself. The return type is defined for the cases when you want to use the following form of call: throw errorInModel(my message);
This function differs from error() in the way of displaying error message: model logic errors are "softer" than other errors, they happen in the models and signal the modeler that the model might need some parameter adjustments. Examples: "agent was unable to leave the flowchart block because the following block was busy", "insufficient capacity of pallet rack", etc.

cause — the cause (which will be saved for more detailed message), may be null
errorText — the text describing the error that will be displayed
void warning(String warningText) Signals a warning during the model run with warningText preceded by the agent full name.
This function checks against numerous warnings output:
  • When multiple warnings have the same warningText, only the first 10 of them are displayed.
  • When more than 1000 warnings with different warningText occur, all the subsequent warnings (including new occurrences of those in the first 1000) won't be displayed.
  • Be careful with using dynamically changing warningText (e.g. listing names of agents). For these cases we recommend that you use warning(warningTextFormat, args).
void warning(String warningTextFormat, Object ... args) Signals a warning during the model run with warningText preceded by the agent's full name.
This method checks against numerous warnings output:
  • When multiple warnings have the same warningTextFormat, only the first 10 of them are displayed.
  • It is safe to raise numerous warnings with the same format string (which defines the warning type) but if args vary, AnyLogic will display only the first 10 warnings of each warning type.
  • When more than 1000 warnings with different warningTextFormat occur, all the subsequent warnings (including new occurrences of those in the first 1000) won't be displayed.
Don't use dynamically changing warningTextFormat (e.g. listing names of agents), use args instead.
General information about agent
Function Description
int getId() Returns the unique identifier of this agent in the context of the model run.
String getName() Returns the name of this agent, i.e. the name of its instance in the owner object with the index in square brackets for replicated objects. For the top-level agent returns root. For default population, the population name is <population>.
String getFullName() Returns the name of the agent prefixed by the path from the top-level agent to this one.
String agentInfo() Returns basic information about the agent:
  • Whether the space where this agent lives has been set
  • Current x, y, z-coordinates of the agent
  • Horizontal and vertical rotation of the agent in radians
  • Agent's movement speed
  • Whether the agent is currently moving or not
  • Agent's connections
String toString() Returns textual information on the agent (possibly, multiple lines). Use this function if you want to display information about an agent in the inspect window during the model run. To customize the function's output, go to the Advanced section of agent type properties and click Create toString() function with parameters. In the properties of the created function you can edit the function's body to suit your needs.
Function Description
void create() Creates the agent's embedded objects and calls the user-defined functions: onBeforeCreate() at the beginning and onCreate() at the end.
This function is called after the agent has been constructed and its parameters have been setup by the owner object. If there are any embedded objects, doCreate() function should be implemented in subclass.
void createAndStart(Agent anyAgent) Assigns the owner of the agent to the top-level agent of the model, creates the internal structure of the agent (internally embedded agents, statecharts etc.) and starts it (this way the agent's statechart and events start living).
This function should be called for all agents custom-created in modeler's Java code with no-argument constructor.
Do not call this function for any agents created in usual way in the AnyLogic IDE and for agents created in AnyLogic library blocks (like Source, PedSource, etc.).

anyAgent — any valid agent of the model. You need to obtain top-level agent of the model which will become the true 'owner' of the created agent. It shouldn't be null and should have a getEngine() reference to a valid Engine.
<T extends AgentExtension> T ext(Class<T> c) Returns an extension of the given type. Creates the extension if it doesn't exist yet. In some cases tryExt() function might be useful, e.g. if you simply need to test whether the object has any extensions, without implicit creation.
When you define your custom extension class you should register it.
This function may throw an error if the requested extension is incompatible with extensions this object already has (e.g. you requested "Discrete space Agent" while the object already has "Continuous space Agent" extension).
Users shouldn't store the reference to the returned extension. Instead, they should store the reference to the underlying agent and, if needed, call this function to obtain the extension. The reason for this limitation is that the agent, at any time, may get another extension which could override some methods implemented in the previously added extension.
c — extension type. Use one of EXT_* constants or your custom extension class (if defined)
<T extends AgentExtension> tryExt(Class<T> c) Returns an extension of the given type only if this object already contains such extension. Returns null when no such extension is defined.

c — extension type. Use one of EXT_* constants or your custom extension class (if defined)
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