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Nodes and paths are space markup elements that define the locations of agents in the space:

  • Node defines a place where agents can reside.
  • Path graphically defines a movement path for agents.

Nodes can be connected with paths. Altogether they compose a network. In the network, node defines a place where agents may reside, while paths define the routes that agents may take when moving from one node to another. When agent moves inside a network, it always take the shortest route.

There are nodes of three shapes at your hands:

  •  Rectangular node. Use it to draw a rectangular node. This node can have speed and access restrictions.
  •  Point node. Use it to draw a transit transportation node in a network. When you connect two paths together, a point node is automatically created in the connection point.
  •  Polygonal node. Use it to draw a node of complex form. This node can have speed and access restrictions.

To define particular waiting points inside rectangular and polygonal nodes, use attractors.

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