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Pedestrian Library

AnyLogic Pedestrian Library is dedicated to simulate pedestrian flows in “physical” environment. It allows creating models of pedestrian buildings (like subway stations, security checks etc.) or streets (big number of pedestrians). Models allow collecting statistics on pedestrian density in different areas, to assure acceptable performance of service points with hypothetic load, estimate lengths of stay in specific areas, detect potential problems with interior geometry — effect of adding obstacles and many other applications. In models created with Pedestrian Library, pedestrians move in continuous space, reacting on different kinds of obstacles (modeled by space markup elements, such as walls or space markup elements of Material Handling Library) and other pedestrians.

What are pedestrian models built for?

  • At a preliminary project assessment stage
    • Assess the ability of a facility to cope with a planned loading and comply with safety requirements
  • At the stage of the design of a new facility
    • Assess alternatives, promptly assess revisions, seek the best solutions
  • At operating facility
    • Increase a throughput capacity, arrange queues
    • Optimize the operation of services (number of personnel, working hours)
    • Allocate signage
    • Assess the throughput capacity of a facility at a planned increase of loading
    • Optimize time schedules (for example, train schedules)
    • Allocate advertisement, goods, retail outlets
  • Safety
    • Plan escape routes
    • Vulnerability assessment for terroristic attacks and catastrophes
  • As well as for presenting your project in a contest
    • Pedestrian models enable to obtain high quality and convincing animation and vividly demonstrate your offer

Which facilities are modeled?

  • Railway stations
  • Metro stations
  • Airports
  • Car parks
  • Pedestrian passageways
  • Shopping malls
  • Museums
  • Amusement parks
  • Stadiums
  • Concert halls
  • Street events (festivals, rallies, demonstrations)

Pedestrian models consist of two main parts — environment and behavior. Environment incorporates walls, different areas, services, queues etc. Generally, environment object consists of its graphical definition, composed by specific space markup shapes. Resources (for instance, services) are also elements of the environment.

Pedestrian “lives” in the defined environment and moves according to simulated physical rules. On the other hand, pedestrian moves in flowchart just like other agents.

Pedestrian flow rules are exactly the same as agent flow rules in Process Modeling Library. The difference is that pedestrians move according to physical rules in the simulated environment, and sometimes they make decisions based on situation in this environment.

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