- Cloud 2.5.2 — Mar 2025
- Cloud 2.5.1 — Dec 2024
- Cloud 2.5.0 — Oct 2024
- Cloud 2.4.1 — Apr 2024
- Cloud 2.4.0 — Nov 2023
- Cloud 2.3.3 — Oct 2023
- Cloud 2.3.2 — Apr 2023
- Cloud 2.3.1 — Oct 2022
- Cloud 2.3.0 — Apr 2022
- Cloud 2.2.9 — Dec 2021
- Cloud 2.2.8 — Nov 2021
- Cloud 2.2.7 — Sep 2021
- Cloud 2.2.4 — May 2021
- Cloud 2.2.3 — Mar 2021
- Cloud 2.2.2 — Dec 2020
- Cloud 2.2.1 — Nov 2020
- Cloud 2.2.0 — Nov 2020
- Cloud 2.1.3 — Oct 2020
- Cloud 2.1.2 — Jun 2020
- Cloud 2.1.1 — Mar 2020
- Cloud 2.1.0 — Jan 2020
Applies to AnyLogic Cloud 2.5.2. Last modified on March 21, 2025.
Seamless integration with AnyLogic 9:
- Models with compilation errors can be uploaded to AnyLogic Cloud.
- AnyLogic Cloud pulls changes in the model from AnyLogic 9 on Run, Play, and other actions without refreshing the browser tab.
Security updates:
- AnyLogic Cloud is now using Java 17.0.13.
- RabbitMQ has been updated to version 4.0.5.
- Spring Boot has been updated to version 3.4.1.
Various improvements:
- The Duplicate model version command now creates a new version with a name that includes a counter.
- The exportable Excel file of experiment results now includes the experiment input file if available.
- The error message about insufficient RAM required to run an experiment has been improved.
- If there were multiple file selectors on the experiment dashboard, the file being uploaded could occasionally end up in the wrong file selector.
- Attempting to download an Excel file in the Completed runs view could return an error if the input or output file had spaces in its name.
- The experiment-results service of Private Cloud could return a 500 error after restarting the instance.
- The controller service of Private Cloud could create duplicate entries in the known_hosts file.
- In the results of the Optimization and Optimization with replications experiments, the new output could sometimes not appear in the Objective widget.
- The Private Cloud installer could fail to update the installation with a non-default home directory or user.
- AnyLogic 9 Technology Preview SaaS is now available to all registered users of AnyLogic Cloud, allowing models to be created and edited in the browser window.
- Private Cloud now correctly displays a notification if the SMTP server is not properly configured to send email from within the application.
- Improved logging of LDAP and Active Directory error messages for the rest service component.
- Completed runs: Cloud now offers improved run management with the new view that provides a tabular overview of all experiment runs.
- Private Cloud Pro and Enterprise users can now take advantage of integration with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect compliant providers for secure user authentication.
- Apache Cassandra has been replaced with PostgreSQL for storing all experiment run results. During the Private Cloud update, data is automatically migrated from Cassandra to PostgreSQL.
- Cloud now automatically updates the possible values of inputs in experiments. When a new version of the model is loaded, input values are migrated; if an input has a default value, the new version has a new default value, and if an input has a non-default value, the non-default value is retained.
- Model animations from AnyLogic desktop installations are now automatically uploaded with the model.
- The ability to export all experiment runs in the JSON format has been removed in favor of the new export feature available in the Completed runs view.
- Cloud now supports Java 17.
- Animation improvements:
- Cloud now better handles searching within the JAR files, which can be useful if your custom library JAR contains 3D shapes you want to use in the model.
- The new animations.json configuration file has been introduced for Private Cloud instances.
Private Cloud improvements:
- The Private Cloud installations now include the diagnostics utility.
- Private Cloud now supports Ubuntu 22.04 and the ED25519 SSH encryption key format.
- Fixed an issue where the backup script saved redundant Cassandra-generated data.
- Fixed a rare issue where Linux settings would prohibit reading Cloud configuration files, rendering the administrator panel web UI unusable.
- In scatter plots, you can now choose to display multiple outputs for a single input.
- The subscription management screen has been slightly redesigned.
- Minor interface improvements have been introduced.
- New experiment types are introduced: Optimization and Optimization with replications.
Several chart improvements:
- New scatter plot options: line or dotted line display.
- Box plot now labels the X and Y axes with the names of its input and output elements.
Private Cloud improvements:
- Improved installation script logging.
- The root distinguished name (rootDn) in Active Directory configurations can now be specified explicitly.
Minor improvements:
- The version name in the breadcrumbs now opens the Version tab of the model if a user has permissions to access it.
- The animation displayed on the General tab of the model or embedded on the third-party website now uses the default input values.
- Public Cloud users who do not have a subscription are now subject to a 5-minute time limit on the duration of multi-run experiments.
Several improvements have been made to charts:
- The density and mean and error plots now allow time to be used as the X-axis value.
- The mean and error plot is now also available for the Variation with replication experiment.
- The mean is now displayed on the box plot.
- You can now use a varying input to create a scatter plot.
- When setting the time axis format, you can now select specific time units to display.
- Renamed multiple plots for consistency.
- General improvement of UI text in AnyLogic Cloud for better consistency and readability.
- Private Cloud users can now set a custom title for the instance page in the administrator panel.
- The problem that caused the backup script to save too many snapshots has been resolved.
- The signup, login, and user customization forms can now display the password as it is being entered.
- Several security updates have been implemented.
- Model comments now support hyperlinks.
- A new Date and Time value picker is now available in experiment dashboards.
- Exported run results in Excel files now contain links to output files.
- In the sidebar, there is now the Duplicate experiment button.
- The Time axis format widget for time charts has been reworked.
- Minor Private Cloud installation script improvements.
- The documentation on the Custom UI feature is added.
- Various UI improvements have been introduced.
- New Private Cloud configuration files and feature toggles are added.
- The TLS 1.3 protocol is now enabled by default.
- Fixed a bug occurring when a model is uploaded to the Private Cloud instance with guest access disabled.
- API clients have been updated.
- Internal services of AnyLogic Cloud are reworked in preparation for future features.
- Private Cloud instances now support configurable password policies.
- Social network sharing buttons are now available on the model screen.
- Model descriptions now support hyperlinks.
- Some UI changes have been introduced to the administrator panel of Private Cloud.
- Cloud search engine now allows for more complex search queries.
- Cloud API clients now support using files as inputs and outputs.
- Several Private Cloud configuration files have been reworked.
- Cloud now uses Java 11.
- Cloud web UI now uses Angular 13.
- Several third-party libraries were updated to fix performance and vulnerability issues.
- Multiple aspects of the UI are improved.
- Private Cloud instances can now be integrated with LDAP and Active Directory servers for user authentication.
- Built-in Chinese and Russian localizations.
- Multiple aspects of the UI are improved.
- The documentation now includes guides on update and uninstallation of Private Cloud instances.
- Guest access can now be disabled for Private Cloud instances.
- AnyLogic Cloud experiments can now produce files as output.
- The JavaScript API client can now be used to create Monte Carlo 1st order experiments.
- Multiple aspects of the UI are improved.
- Subscribers of AnyLogic Cloud now have access to the AnyLogic 9 technology preview.
- The performance of the model images in the model galleries is improved.
- The GDPR-compliant privacy policies are introduced.
- AnyLogic Engine used for Cloud instances is updated.
- Performance of the model galleries — the Public models and My models pages — is improved.
- Various improvements for the installation script are introduced.
- Model execution performance was improved.
- Various improvements for the installation script are introduced.
- Various improvements for the installation script are introduced.
The administrator panel is added for Private Cloud administrators, enabling a number of features:
- User management
- Service component management
- UI customization
- The administrator account is now created with default credentials.
- Data of all experiments of a specific model version can now be downloaded in the JSON format.
- Various improvements for the installation script are introduced.
- The documentation of Java API is now available.
- Private Cloud instances now support the HTTPS protocol.
- Models that interact with the native code via the Java Native Interface now can be run in Cloud.
- The backup and restore tools are now improved and introduced in the form of simple shell scripts.
- A simple installation script is introduced, allowing for easy deployment of Private Cloud instances.
- Versioning of Private Cloud is improved, enabling the simple upgrade of instances.
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