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Keyboard and mouse shortcuts

AnyLogic provides a number of keyboard and mouse shortcuts that you can use to perform actions when working with specific application areas.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are assigned to certain commands, allowing you to use the keyboard instead of the mouse when working in AnyLogic. Standard Windows shortcuts are also supported.

Windows macOS Action
Alt + F4 Cmd + Q Exit AnyLogic.
F1 F1 Open AnyLogic help.
Ctrl + N Cmd + N Create a new model.
Ctrl + O Cmd + O Open an existing model.
Ctrl + S Cmd + S Save the currently selected model.
Ctrl + Shift + S Cmd + Shift + S Save all open models.
F7 F7 Build the currently selected model.
F5 F5 Run the previously launched simulation. After you create or open a model, the action executed by this command will depend on Preferences > Advanced > Run button (F5) setting: either it runs the model just created and opened, or it runs the previously run experiment.
Ctrl + X Cmd + X Cut the currently selected element to the clipboard.
Ctrl + C Cmd + C Copy the currently selected element to the clipboard.
Ctrl + V Cmd + V Paste the element from the clipboard.
Del Del Delete the currently selected element.
Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z Undo the previous action.
Ctrl + Y Cmd + Y Redo the previously undone action.
Ctrl + F Cmd + F Search and replace the specified text strings.
Graphical Editor  
Ctrl + 0 Ctrl + 0 Zoom the graphical editor to 100%.
F2 F2 Rename the element currently selected in the graphical editor.
Ctrl + A Cmd + A Select all elements in the graphical editor.
Arrow keys Arrow keys Move the selected elements up, down, left or right in 10 pixels increments. If snapping to grid is off, the selected elements will move in 1 px increments.
Shift + arrow keys
Alt + arrow keys
Shift + arrow keys
Option + arrow keys
Move the selected elements up, down, left or right in 1 pixel increments. If snapping to grid is off, the selected elements will move in 10 px increments.
Properties View  
Ctrl + Space Option + Space Open the code completion window.
Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Enter Perform refactoring of the element being renamed. Note that this command can only be invoked immediately after modifying the value of the element’s Name property field, that is, before moving to other property fields or elements.
Ctrl + X
Shift + Del
Cmd + X Cut the currently selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Insert
Cmd + C Copy the currently selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl + V
Shift + Insert
Cmd + V Paste text from clipboard.
Ctrl + J Cmd + J In properties with code fields: Compile the model (if not done already), then open the code editor and highlight the code line corresponding to the currently selected code field.


Debug the recently run experiment.
F9 F9 Resume.
F12 F12 Step over.
F11 F11

Step into.

Shift + F11 Shift + F11 Step return.

* These commands are available in AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions only.

Mouse shortcuts

There are several modifier keys that you can use to alter the mouse actions when working with the certain application areas:

Windows macOS Action
Projects view  
Ctrl + drag Cmd + drag Create a copy of the current selection.
Graphical editor  
Right-click and drag Space + drag Pan the diagram.
Ctrl + scroll Cmd + scroll Zoom in or out of the diagram.
Alt + click Option + click Select a single element belonging to a group (or a single markup shape from a complex markup element).
Ctrl + drag Cmd + drag Create a copy of the current selection.
Alt + drag Option + drag Move the current selection with snapping to grid temporarily disabled.
Shift + drag Shift + drag Shift the current selection horizontally / vertically while maintaining vertical / horizontal center alignment.
Model window  
Ctrl + scroll Ctrl + scroll Zoom in or out of the model window.
Drag Cmd + drag Pan the model window.
3D Scene  
Alt + drag Option + drag Rotate the 3D scene.
Properties view  
Ctrl + click Cmd + click In properties with code fields: Navigate to the selected element in the graphical editor. Allows you to switch between agents.
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