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AnyLogic menu

AnyLogic main menu consists of several menus.

File menu

The File menu contains commands for performing the basic operations with model files in AnyLogic.

  • New — Create a new AnyLogic element. The type of the element is selected from the submenu: it can be either Model, Agent Type, Option List, Java Class, Java Interface, Dimension, Experiment, or Library.
  • Open — Open an existing AnyLogic model.
  • Recently Opened Models — Open a model from the list of recently opened models. The maximum number of models in the list is defined in AnyLogic preferences.
  • Save — Save all changes made to the currently selected model.
  • Save As… — Save the currently selected model under a new name.
  • Save All — Save all models currently in the workspace.
  • Close — Close the currently selected model.
  • Close Others — Close all open models except the currently selected one.
  • Close All — Close all models currently open in the workspace.
  • Import
  • Export
  • SVN — Contains commands for team development with SVN.
    • Checkout... — Imports the model from the SVN repository.
    • Share... — Adds the selected model to the SVN repository.
    • Commit... — Commits the local changes to the SVN repository.
    • Update — Updates the local working copy of the model with the model from the SVN repository.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Git Git — Contains commands for working with the Git repositories.
  • Exit — Exit AnyLogic.

Edit menu

The Edit menu contains commands that are frequently needed when you edit your model.

  • Undo — Cancels the previously performed action.
  • Redo — Performs the previously cancelled action.
  • Cut — Cuts the current selection.
  • Copy — Copies the current selection.
  • Copy as Image — Copies the image of the selection.
  • Paste — Pastes the clipboard contents.
  • Delete — Deletes the current selection.
  • Select All — Selects all in the currently opened editor.
  • Search/Replace... — Searches through the workspace for the specified text strings and optionally performs replacements of these strings by another ones.

View menu

The View menu contains commands for managing the set of views currently opened in AnyLogic workspace.

  • Projects — Opens/closes the Projects view.
  • Properties — Opens/closes the Properties view.
  • Palette — Opens/closes the Palette view.
  • Console — Opens/closes the Console view.
  • Problems — Opens/closes the Problems view.
  • Search — Opens/closes the Search view.
  • GIS Search Results — Opens/closes the GIS Search Results view.
  • Debug — Opens/closes the Debug view. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Breakpoints — Opens/closes the Breakpoints view. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Variables — Opens/closes the Variables view. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Expressions — Opens/closes the Expressions view. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  •  Profile — Opens/closes the Profile view.
  • Log — Opens/closes the Log view.

Draw menu

The Draw menu contains commands that are used when you work in the graphical editor. The menu commands are available only when the current graphical editor is open.

  • Order — Contains commands that allow you to change the Z-order of the currently selected shape:
    • Bring to Front — Places the shape on top of all other shapes.
    • Bring Forward — Moves the shape one step up (swaps it with the shape directly in front).
    • Send Backward — Moves the shape one step down.
    • Send to Back — Places the shape below all other shapes.
  • Grouping — Contains commands for grouping/ungrouping shapes:
    • Ungroup — Ungroups all the shapes from the group that contains the currently selected shape.
    • Select Group Contents — Selects all the shapes of the group that contains the currently selected shape.
    • Create a Group — Creates a new group and adds all currently selected shapes to this group.
    • Create a Group — Creates a new group and adds all currently selected shapes to this group.
    • Add to Existing Group — Adds the currently selected shapes to one of already existing groups (you will need to choose the group where you want to add shapes by clicking its icon in the graphical editor right after invoking this command).
    • Remove from group — Removes the currently selected shape from the group.
  • Zoom — Contains commands for zooming the graphical editor diagram:
    • Zoom to 100% — Zooms the contents of the graphical editor to the original zoom (100 %).
    • Zoom Out — Zooms out the contents of the graphical editor.
    • Zoom In — Zooms in the contents of the graphical editor.
  • Grid — Contains commands for controlling the diagram grid:
    • Enable/Disable Grid — Turns binding to the grid on/off.
    • Show/Hide Grid — Turns the grid visibility on/off.
    • Show/Hide Axes — Turns the coordinate axes visibility on/off.
  • Align — Contains commands for aligning elements in the graphical editor:
    • Horizontal Align Left — Aligns left borders of all selected elements to the left border of the leftmost element.
    • Horizontal Align Center — Shifts all the selected elements horizontally so that their centers lie on the vertical axis that goes through the center of the selected area.
    • Horizontal Align Right — Aligns right borders of all selected elements to the right border of the rightmost element.
    • Vertical Align Top — Aligns top borders of all selected elements to the top border of the topmost element.
    • Vertical Align Center — Shifts all the selected elements vertically so that their centers lie on the horizontal axis that goes through the center of the selected area.
    • Vertical Align Bottom — Aligns bottom borders of all selected elements to the bottom border of the bottommost element.
  • Hide — Contains commands for hiding and unhiding shapes of the same type in the graphical editor. When hidden, shapes become half-transparent, and user cannot select them.
    • Hide Space Markup Elements — Hides or Unhides all space markup elements on the current graphical diagram.
    • Hide Shapes — Hides/Unhides all presentation shapes on the current graphical diagram.
    • Hide SD Links — Hides/Unhides all System Dynamics links on the current graphical diagram.
    • Hide 2D Elements — Hides/Unhides 2D shapes (all elements with the Advanced property Show in set to 2D only).
    • Hide 3D Elements — Hides/Unhides all 3D shapes (all shapes with the Advanced property Show in set to either 2D and 3D, or 3D only).

Model menu

The Model menu contains general commands for working with your models.

  • AnyLogic: Icon: Build Build — Builds the currently selected model.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Run Run — Runs the experiment selected from the pop-up menu.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Debug Debug — Starts debugging the experiment selected from the pop-up menu. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Profile Profile — Starts profiling the experiment selected from the pop-up menu.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Resume Resume — Debug command. The thread resumes execution and stack frames are no longer displayed for the thread. Available during debugging. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Step over Step Over — Debug command. The currently selected line is executed and stops at the next executable line. Available during debugging. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Step into Step Into — Debug command. The next expression on the currently selected line to be executed is called, and execution stops at the next executable line in the function that is called. Available during debugging. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Step return Step Return — Debug command. Execution continues until the next return statement in the current function is executed, and execution stops at the next executable line. Available during debugging. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Stop Stop — Terminates the currently running model.
  • AnyLogic: Icon: Memory dump analyzer Memory dump — Opens the memory dump analyzer for the running model, allowing you to identify memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
  • Render Model — Render the model in the format used for NVIDIA Omniverse integration.

Tools menu

  • Create Documentation... — Opens the Create Model Documentation dialog that prompts to create documentation on the selected model. All widespread formats are supported: PDF, DOCX, HTML. The document will contain a list of all model elements along with their properties, descriptions, and optional screenshots. Elements are logically grouped by categories (system dynamics stock-and-flow diagrams, statecharts, and so on).
  • Check for Snapshot Compatibility — Checks, whether the currently selected model satisfies snapshot requirements. If yes, you can save and restore model snapshots, that is, save the full state of a model during runtime to a file, and restore it at a later time and continue running simulation from the saved moment of simulation.
  • Check System Dynamics Units — Checks consistency of units in the selected model. If no model is selected, checks system dynamics units in all models currently opened in the workspace.
  • Reset Perspective — Resets the current layout of AnyLogic views, editors, and toolbars to the default layout for the currently selected perspective.
    For example, in the Model perspective, this command can be useful if you occasionally arrange the views in an inconvenient way and want to return back to the default layout settings (when the Projects view is docked on the left side of the application window, the Palette view is docked on the right side, the Properties view is docked at the bottom, and so on).
  • Preferences… — Opens AnyLogic preferences dialog box allowing user to change AnyLogic preferences.

Help menu

The Help menu contains commands that provide access to the documentation, the AnyLogic support team, and AnyLogic Activation Wizard.

  •  AnyLogic Help — Opens the AnyLogic documentation in a standard web browser.
  • Welcome — Opens the Welcome page.
  • Example Models — Opens the Example Models tab of the Welcome page. It provides the user with links to all the example models distributed along with AnyLogic.
  • Release Notes — Opens the web page that lists the history of changes in AnyLogic, in the default browser.
  • Get Support… — Opens the AnyLogic Support dialog box to ask a question or send a feedback to the AnyLogic support team. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • AnyLogic Users on LinkedIn — Opens the AnyLogic Users community page on LinkedIn in the user’s default browser. Instead of the support services offered to the AnyLogic commercial users, PLE users can alternatively get support from our LinkedIn group users. **This feature is available only in AnyLogic PLE.
  • Training Courses… — Opens the web page listing the information about the training courses offered by The AnyLogic Company and our partners and distributors.
  • Renew Maintenance and Support… — Allows you to renew your AnyLogic maintenance. Opens the page in your default web browser that lists the information about the cost of the renewal and provides the form for purchasing the license. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  •  Update Dongle… — Opens the dialog to update the activation dongle with the update file containing updated maintenance information.
    Use this option if your AnyLogic is activated with a USB dongle and you are renewing your maintenance. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Check for Updates — Connects to The AnyLogic Company website and checks for new AnyLogic updates. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Activate Product… — Opens AnyLogic Activation Wizard to activate the product. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • Terms of use — Opens a document in the user’s default browser containing the terms of the software license agreement. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
  • About AnyLogic — Displays information about AnyLogic: license type, version number, product expiration date, maintenance status, and so on. *This feature is available only in the AnyLogic Professional and AnyLogic University Researcher editions.
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