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Moving, rotating, and zooming 3D scene at runtime

At runtime you can move, rotate, and zoom in/out of a 3D scene displayed in 3D window using the commands described below:

In order to Use the mouse as described here
Move the scene
  1. Press the left mouse button in the 3D view scene and hold the mouse button pressed.
  2. Move the mouse in the required direction.
Rotate the scene
  1. Press and hold Alt (macOS: Option) in the 3D scene window.
  2. With Alt (macOS: Option) being pressed, click and hold the left mouse button.
  3. Move the mouse in the required rotation direction.
Zoom in the scene
  1. Scroll the mouse wheel forward in the 3D window scene.
Zoom out of the scene
  1. Scroll the mouse wheel backward in the 3D window scene.
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