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Accepts pedestrians on input port. Removes pedestrians from the simulated environment and sends them further via output port as regular agents.

You may need this when the succeeding process is simulated on a higher abstraction level, for example, when using Process Modeling Library block(s): Delay, Queue, etc.

Example: airport model. We simulate all the processes inside the airport using Pedestrian Library blocks. When a passenger boards an airplane, we may simulate the flight process with a regular Delay block from the Process Modeling Library. In this case we use PedExit to let pedestrians leave the physical space and treat them further as agents in the Process Modeling Library block(s).


Exiting agents
Here you can choose what happens to the pedestrian’s animation when the pedestrian agent leaves the PedExit block. There are two options:
are removed from space — This option is selected by default. When the agent leaves the PedExit block, its animation is removed from presentation.
stay where they are — When the agent leaves the PedExit block, its animation resides in the same place where it was at the moment the agent entered this block.
Value type: boolean
Default value: true (are removed from the space)
Local variable: ped — the pedestrian


On enter
Code executed when a pedestrian enters the block.
Local variable: ped — the pedestrian
On exit
Code executed when a pedestrian exits the block.
Local variable: ped — the pedestrian


Function Description
long countPeds() Returns the total number of pedestrians passed through this block.
int size() Returns the number of pedestrians the block currently contains.



The input port.


The output port.

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