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Agents movement inside and outside network

Nodes and paths are space markup elements that are used to define agent locations and create networks. A network node is the most frequent target location, it can also be an attractor inside such a node. Sometimes you can define agents to move along some path; on the other hand, agents trend to follow some network path they can find around. If both departure node (node in the figure below) and destination node (node1) belong to one network, agents will move along the path that connects the nodes:

Sometimes agents may start moving from some point (x,y,z) that is not part on the network, then if agent is currently not on the path, it will first move to the closest point on the path, and then follow path to its target location, for instance, node.

Next situation is the other way around: if the target, point (x,y,z) here, is not on the path, the agent will move along the path, which is part of the same network as their home location, node, to the point closest to the target, and then move to the target.

In the situation when both point of departure and target locations are not in the network, agents simply choose the shortest route and follow it. In the figure below, node is separated from the network, same as the target:

Knowing the rules described above, you can manage agents movement in different ways, depending on your layout and needs.

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