To create a new model
Click the New Model
toolbar button, or
Select File > New Model from the main menu, or press Ctrl + N (macOS: Cmd + N).
The New Model dialog appears. - Specify the name of the model in the Model name edit box.
Specify the location of the model file. Browse for the existing folder using the Browse button, or type the name of the folder you want to create in the Location edit box.
In preferences, you can select a folder to be used as the default save location. - Select Model time units for this model. You can change the units later in the model properties, if necessary. Also, wherever you need to specify time in the model elements, you will find there controls for selecting different time units. However, the units you select here will be suggested by default in these controls.
- Optionally, modify the name of Java package that will be created.
- AnyLogic supports two compatible model formats. By default, ALP is used; select the corresponding option to use ALPX instead.
- Click Finish.
- General
Name — The name of the model. The model name should be unique within the current workspace (i.e. you cannot have two models with the same name opened at the same time).
Model time units — Here you can choose model time units for your model from the drop-down list.
- Dependencies
This property page helps you to manage dependencies of the model. Here you should specify all AnyLogic libraries and external JAR files and class folders referenced by the model and thus required to build this model successfully.
AnyLogic libraries/models required to build the model — If you are using objects of some AnyLogic library in your model, this library must be listed in the model dependencies list. This list defines AnyLogic libraries and models needed by this model to compile successfully.
Adding libraries to model dependencies list is described in Adding library blocks into a model.Jar files and class folders required to build the model — Here you should specify Java archive files and class folders containing Java classes referenced by this model.
Adding external JAR files and class folders to model dependencies list is described in Adding external Java classes. - System Dynamics solver
Differential equations — Method used to solve ordinary differential equations.
Algebraic equations — Method used to solve algebraic equations.
Mixed equations — Method used to solve algebraic-differential equations.
Absolute accuracy — The desired absolute value accuracy for solving equations. Absolute accuracy is used when it is impossible to use relative accuracy, for example, when the value is close to zero.
Time accuracy — The desired relative value accuracy for solving equations with methods that change the integration step (e.g. Newton). Used by default.
Relative accuracy — The desired relative value accuracy for solving equations with methods that change the integration step (e.g. Newton). Used by default.
Fixed time step — Fixed time step for methods using the fixed integration step (e.g. RK4).
- Advanced
Package — The name of Java package, where all Java classes generated by AnyLogic for this model are added.
File — [Read only] The full path to the model file. If you want to change the location of your model, use Save As… command.
Each model contains agent type named Main and one simulation experiment named Simulation by default.
Agents are the main building blocks of AnyLogic model. Agents can be used to model very diverse objects of the real world: processing stations, resources, people, physical objects, controllers, trucks, and so on.
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