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AnyLogic toolbars

The toolbars offer quick access to commands that are frequently used by the user.

When you point your mouse over the toolbar button, a tooltip with its name appears.

AnyLogic main toolbar

New Creates new AnyLogic element. Type of the element is selected from the drop-down list:  Model,  Agent Type,  Option List,  Dimension,  Experiment,  Java Class,  Java Interface,  Library, or  Database table.
Open model Opens an existing AnyLogic model.
Save model Saves all unsaved changes in the currently selected model.
Save all models Saves all models currently present in the workspace.
Undo Cancels the previously performed action.
Redo Performs the previously canceled action.
Cut Cuts the current selection.
Copy Copies the current selection.
Paste Pastes the clipboard contents.
Delete Deletes the current selection.
Build model Builds the currently selected model. If no model is selected, builds all models currently open in the workspace.
Run Runs the experiment selected from the drop-down list.
Debug Starts debugging the experiment selected from the drop-down list.
Profile Starts profiling the experiment selected from the drop-down list.
Stop Model Terminates the execution of the currently running model and closes its window.
Search... Searches through the workspace for the specified text strings.
Graphical editor
All the buttons in this section are enabled only when the graphical editor is active.
To enable buttons, click in the graphical editor.
Zoom to 100% Restores default presentation scale and origin.
Zoom Out Zooms out the diagram opened in the graphical editor.
Zoom Displays the current zoom of the diagram opened in the graphical editor. You can change the current zoom by choosing another value form the drop-down list, or using Zoom In and Zoom Out toolbar buttons along the edges of this control.
Zoom In Zooms in the diagram opened in the graphical editor.
View Areas Opens the list of view areas. The user can select a view area from the drop-down list and the diagram currently opened in the graphical editor will be positioned to show the chosen view area.
Show/Hide Grid Shows or hides the grid of the graphical editor.
Enable/Disable Grid Enables/disables the grid of the graphical editor.
Bring to Front Changes the position of the selected presentation shape(s) in the stacking order — namely, brings it to front.
Bring Forward Changes the position of the selected presentation shape(s) in the stacking order — namely, brings it forward.
Send to Back Changes the position of the selected presentation shape(s) in the stacking order — namely,sends it to back.
Send Backward Changes the position of the selected presentation shape(s) in the stacking order — namely, sends it backward.
Choose Probability Distribution... Opens the Choose Probability Distribution dialog box where you can choose a probability distribution function, configure its parameters, and insert the function call at the current mouse position.
The button is enabled when the mouse cursor is in the edit box, or code property, where the user can insert the probability distribution function call (e.g., Timeout of the transition, Delay time property of Delay block, etc.).
Insert Database Query... Opens the Query Constructor dialog that enables you to visually construct a query to built-in AnyLogic database.
The button is enabled when the mouse cursor is in the edit box, or code property, where the user can insert the query to the AnyLogic database.
Get Support Available only in Professional and University Researcher editions.
Opens the Get Support dialog enabling the user to ask any question to AnyLogic technical support team via email.
Ask Community on Stack Overflow Available only in AnyLogic PLE edition.
Opens the Stack Overflow community page with messages under AnyLogic tag in the user's default browser.
Instead of the support services offered to the AnyLogic commercial users, PLE users can alternatively get support from users on Stack Overflow.
Log in to AnyLogic Cloud Opens the Log in to AnyLogic Cloud dialog box, which allows you to log in to AnyLogic Cloud.
Model Opens the Model perspective, which contains the AnyLogic views designed for model development.
Debug Available only in Professional and University Researcher editions.
Opens the Debug perspective, which contains the AnyLogic views designed for model debugging.
AnyLogic: The Git icon Git Opens the Git perspective, where you work with the built-in Git client.
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