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Phase 6. Delivery to charging location

The batteries filled with acid must be delivered to the area where they will undergo the charging process. We will model the delivery with the help of the crane element and path-guided transporters.

Transporters with path-guided navigation conduct their movement along paths and nodes, which make up a network. They avoid collisions and give way at crossroads. By default, transporters select the shortest route to the destination, but you can also specify a custom route or exclude specific paths and nodes. If a collision takes place, transporters will wait for a specified period of time before resuming movement. All these options can be customized with the help of the TransporterControl block.

Prepare the layout

  1. Double-click the  Rectangular Node element in the in the  Space Markup palette to switch it to the drawing mode and draw the batteries charging area according to the layout.
  2. Name the node store

    Since we are going to use the path-guided forklifts, we need to draw the network that will define the movement paths.
  3. Drag another  Rectangular Node to the  Main graphical diagram and resize it as displayed in the image below.
  4. Name the node agvHomeLocation
  5. Create one attractor in the node.

  6. Drag the  Point Node to the  Main graphical diagram, place it according to the layout.
  7. Name the node agvUnloadingPoint

  8. Double-click the  Path element in the palette to activate its drawing mode.
  9. Draw the path leading from the agvUnloadingPoint to the store.
  10. In the same manner draw two paths connecting the  agvUnloadingPoint and the  agvHomeLocation nodes. Pay attention to the direction of each path.

    If you have successfully connected the nodes, the path’s connecting points will display cyan highlights when you select the path in the graphical editor.
  11. Add an area where the forklifts will receive the batteries for transportation by drawing yet another  Rectangular Node according to the layout.
  12. Name the node agvLoadingArea

  13. Hold Ctrl key and click to select all nodes and paths.
  14. In the Multiple selection properties view, specify Show in: 2D only.
  15. Add a crane that will move the batteries from the conveyor to the forklift’s loading area.
  16. Name it batteryCrane

  17. In the crane’s properties specify the following:
    • Material item type:  Battery
    • Crane height: 4 meter
  18. Make sure that the crane’s working area fully covers the  agvLoadingArea.

Now, let’s create the logic behind this phase.

Add the logic

  1. Add the  MoveByCrane block to the flowchart after the conveyBattery block.
  2. Name it toLoadingArea
    This block will control the movement of batteries by the crane.

  3. In the block’s properties specify the following:
    • Crane:  batteryCrane
    • Node:  agvLoadingArea
    • Loading time: 5 seconds
    • Unloading time: 5 seconds
  4. Next, drag the  TransporterFleet block from the  Material Handling Library to the  Main graphical diagram.
  5. Name it AGVs
    This block will define the forklift moving in the network we’ve created.

  6. In the block’s properties specify the following:
    • Capacity: 1
    • Home locations:  agvHomeLocation
    • New transporter:  Forklift
  7. Add the  MoveByTransporter block to the flowchart after the toLoadingArea block.
  8. Name it toChargingArea
    This block will control the movement of a forklift which will transfer the batteries from the production line to the charging area represented by the store node.

  9. In the block’s properties specify the following:
    • Node:  store
    • Fleet:  AGVs
    • Loading time: 5 seconds
    • Unloading time: 5 seconds
  10. Run the model and observe the process of battery production from start to finish.

Demo model: Lead Acid Battery Production Phase 6 Open the model page in AnyLogic Cloud. There you can run the model or download it (by clicking Model source files). Demo model: Lead Acid Battery Production Phase 6Open the model in your AnyLogic desktop installation.
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