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Private Cloud: Update

Applies to AnyLogic Cloud 2.5.2. Last modified on March 07, 2025.

To check your Cloud version, go to <https://your Private Cloud instance address>/build.txt in your preferred web browser. To check the version of the installation script, see <the folder containing the installation script>/templates/preload_frontend_build.json.
For version differences, see the release notes.

Upon the release of a new version of Private Cloud, execute the installation script in the update mode to get an upgrade of service components and gain access to all new features.

Check the expiration date of your maintenance license on the product’s page in Team License Server. If your maintenance license expires before the release date of the AnyLogic Cloud shipment you are using for the update, you will not be able to perform it. Consider renewing your license before proceeding; contact our support team for assistance.

To update your Private Cloud instance

  1. Open the web browser.
  2. Go to <your instance address>/build.txt.
  3. Check the version listed at the end of the text file, for example:
    Wed Nov 7 12:15:44 2020 +0000 - nnnnnnnnn ; build nnnnnnnn-nnnnnn v2.2.8
  4. Create a backup of your instance.
  5. Download the newest installation script of a Private Cloud edition you are interested in by executing the following command in the Linux terminal on the machine that serves the controller component:
    sudo wget, or
    sudo wget, or
    Request a shipment of Private Cloud Enterprise from our support team.
  6. Unzip the installation file:
    Lite: tar -xf anylogic-private-cloud-lite.tar.gz Pro: tar -xf anylogic-private-cloud-pro.tar.gz Enterprise: tar -xf anylogic-private-cloud-enterprise.tar.gz
  7. Navigate to the resulting folder:
    cd anylogic_private_cloud_%version%
  8. Run the freshly downloaded installation script under superuser, in the update mode:
    sudo ./ update
    By default, the script does not require any arguments, since it gathers all the required information from the /etc/altab file and Private Cloud configuration files. In certain cases (for example, when HTTPS support is enabled via the Elastic Load Balancer proxy), it can be necessary to specify some installer options.

After that, your instance should be updated to the newest version.

If you encounter a problem, you can review Docker logs, individual component logs, and installer logs to determine the cause of the problem.
To obtain the list of running Docker containers, execute the following command:

sudo docker ps
To collect Docker logs from an individual container running a specific Private Cloud component, you can execute the following command:
docker logs %component name%
If the command output is too extensive, try trimming it to the last 100 rows:
docker logs %component name% --tail 100
The installation script logs are located in /tmp/alc_installer.log by default.
If you are experiencing a problem with the Private Cloud instance and none of the options below help, contact our support team at and provide them with the list of running containers and their logs to find a solution.
If you are experiencing a problem with the installation script, provide the list of running containers, as well as the logs of the controller component and installation script.
To obtain information about the instance and the system, consider using the diagnostics utility that has been included with Private Cloud since version 2.4.1.

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