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Private Cloud Installer: Reference

Applies to AnyLogic Cloud 2.5.2. Last modified on March 07, 2025.

By default, the installation script of Private Cloud works in the interactive mode, allowing you to specify and configure various options during the installation process. This mode is covered in great detail in the corresponding article: Installing Private Cloud.

However, the interactive mode is not the only possible way to work with the installation script. It also supports various options and operations: specify them to speed up the installation process, perform an upgrade on the existing Private Cloud instance, or remove the auxiliary service components from the node you need no more.

This section describes the syntax of such operations and enumerates the available commands and flags.

To learn which version your installation script has, open <the folder containing the installation script>/templates/preload_frontend_build.json.


The installation script needs to be executed under the superuser (sudo) from your Linux terminal.

The general syntax for launching the modified installation routine is as follows:

./ action options

  • If action is omitted, install executed by default — see below.
  • If no options are specified, the installation routine runs in the default, fully interactive mode.


The installer script supports 3 actions:

  • install — Executes the installation routine described in the corresponding article. Performed by default.
    Use flags to set values for the options that are configured during the installation to skip the corresponding steps of the installation routine.
  • uninstall — Removes the currently installed Cloud components from the machine. Stops all running Docker containers, deletes them, deletes their images, and removes the Private Cloud administrator (alcadm by default) from the system.
  • update — Runs an update routine on the existing Private Cloud installation, while preserving this installation’s data, that is, user profiles, models, and run data.


With the installer options, you simplify the installation of your Private Cloud instance by specifying configuration parameters explicitly.

Some of the options listed below may be unavailable in your version of Cloud. To learn which options are supported, execute the installation script with the --help flag:

./ --help

Option Description Arguments Available
in version
--help Display the list of all available options and commands. n\a All
--license_server Sets the address of the Team License Server if you are installing a non-evaluation version or upgrading from an evaluation to a non-evaluation version. Ignored in other cases.
You can set the port with the corresponding option: --license_server_port.
The IP address of Team License Server. All
--cloud_address Sets the external address of your Private Cloud instance explicitly. A properly formatted IP address or FQDN. All
--use_https Defines whether the HTTPS protocol will be used by the Private Cloud instance. y, n 2.1.3+
--https_key Defines the path to the HTTPS key file. If use_https is set to y, the key file will be copied from the specified path, and the Private Cloud front-end will use it. The path to the HTTPS key file. 2.1.3+
--https_cert Defines the path to the HTTPS certificate file. If use_https is set to y, the certificate file will be copied from the specified path, and the Private Cloud front-end will use it. The path to the HTTPS certificate file. 2.1.3+
--set_license_server Allows modifying the address of Team License Server set by default. If set to n, the evaluation version of Private Cloud will be installed. y, n 2.2.0+
--license_server_port Sets the connection port for Team License Server.
Default value: 8443.
y, n 2.2.0+
--primary_node_ip Sets the address of the primary node (the one that runs the controller service component.
Default value: The first IP address of the interface the default router points to.
The IP address. 2.2.0+
--postgres_password Sets the password of the PostgreSQL database. If not set, the password will be generated randomly. A password. 2.2.0+
--minio_access_key Sets the access key for the MinIO S3 instance. If not set, the password will be generated randomly. A password. 2.2.0+
--minio_secret Sets the access key for the MinIO S3 instance. If not set, the secret will be generated randomly. A password. 2.2.0+
--alc_user Sets the name of the Unix user who will act as the owner of the Private Cloud directories.
The controller service component uses the credentials of this user to connect to the primary node.
The installation script performs a validation if you modify the value of this option during an upgrade of your instance. If the specified user name does not match the user name specified during installation, an error message appears.
The user should have sudo access, permissions to access the host machine via SSH, and be a member of the docker group.
Default value: alcadm
A properly formatted Unix user name. 2.2.0+
--alc_home Specifies the location of the Private Cloud home directory.
The installer script performs a validation if you modify the value of this option during an upgrade of your instance. If the script is unable to find a Private Cloud installation in the specified location, an error message appears.
Default value: /home/alcadm
The directory path. 2.2.0+
--registry_hostname Sets the host name for the Private Cloud registry — it will be appended to /etc/hosts.
Default value:
A host name. 2.2.0+
--registry_ip Sets the IP address for the Private Cloud registry.
Default value:
The IP address. 2.2.0+
--registry_port Sets the port of the Private Cloud registry.
Default value: 5000
The port number. 2.2.0+
--log_file Specifies the desired location of the Private Cloud installer log file.
Default value: /tmp/alc_installer.log
A path which ends with the name of the .log file. 2.2.0+
--container_wait_timeout Sets the time the installer script should wait between checking the status of Docker containers.
Default value: 5s
A number of seconds formatted as follows:
%n%s, for example: 120s
--container_wait_retries Sets how many status check attempts the installer script should perform on each container.
Default value: 20
The number of checks as an integer, for example: 25. 2.2.0+
--action Allows to change which of the installer script’s actions should be performed. Possible values are identical to actions.
Default value: install
install, update, uninstall 2.2.0+
--cloud_port Sets the port of the Private Cloud primary web interface.
Default value: 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS
The port number. 2.2.2+
--use_registration Defines whether the registration form is enabled.
Default value: y
y, n 2.2.8+
--use_guest_access Defines whether guests (that is, users that have not created Private Cloud profiles) will be able to use Private Cloud (view and execute public models, browse through comments, and so on).
Default value: y
y, n 2.2.8+
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