AnyLogic 9
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Errors view

The Errors view displays the problems and errors that AnyLogic automatically detects during model compilation. For each problem encountered, the Errors view displays its description and location.

AnyLogic: The Errors viewThe Errors view

Currently, the Errors view only shows the compiler errors, that is, errors and typos in the Java code. Other types of errors and warnings will be supported in the future.

To show or hide the Errors view

  1. Build the model by clicking Build on the toolbar, or
    Launch the model by clicking on the toolbar.

If there are errors in the model, the Errors view will open at the bottom of the screen.

Upon initial startup, a button named Errors will appear below the graphical editor. Its label also contains the number of errors already found. Click this button to toggle the Errors view on or off.

If any of the elements of the model contain errors, they can also be found in the projects view, marked with the Error icon:

AnyLogic: Errors displayed in the projects viewErrors displayed in the projects view

Initially, errors are presented in the order in which they are encountered by the Java compiler. All listed errors are grouped under the agents to which they belong.

The main part of the Errors view is a table consisting of two columns:

Description A general description of the error.
Location The name and icon of the problematic element (for example, a flowchart block).
  • To sort records alphabetically, move the mouse pointer over a column’s name and click the Arrow down icon that appears to the right: once for the ascending order, twice for the descending order.
    If the table is sorted by a column, the arrow icon appears next to the column’s name: Arrow down for the ascending order, Arrow up for the descending order.
  • To collapse the error records belonging for a particular agent, click the  icon to the left of the agent’s name.
  • To collapse all records, click the  icon to the left of the title of the Description column.

Locating an error

  • Click the error record once to open the properties of the problematic element.
  • Double-click the error record to open the properties of the problematic element and center the graphical editor on that element.

AnyLogic: The context menu in the Errors view

To copy the error description

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the error description you want to copy.
  2. Click the  icon that appears on the right, or
    Right-click the line containing the error, and then click Copy in the context menu.

The copied description will be placed in the clipboard. You can then provide it to the AnyLogic support team for troubleshooting.

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