Structures more complex than primitive types are defined with the help of classes and in an object-oriented manner. The task of explaining the concepts of object-oriented design is impossible in the format of a small section: the subject deserves a separate book, and there are a lot of them already written. All we can do here is give you a feel for what object-oriented programming is all about, introduce such fundamental terms as class, method, object, instance, subclass, and inheritance, and show how Java supports object-oriented design.
You should not try to learn or fully understand the code fragments in this section. It will be sufficient if, having read this section, you will know that, for example, a statechart in your model is an instance of AnyLogic class Statechart and you can find out its current state by calling its method: statechart.getActiveSimpleState().
Consider an example. Suppose you are working with local map and use coordinates of locations and calculate distances. Of course, you could remember two double values x and y for each location and write a function distance( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) that would calculate distances between two pairs of coordinates. But it is a lot more elegant to introduce a new entity that would group together the coordinates and the method of calculating distance to another location. In object-oriented programming, such an entity is called a class. A Java class definition for location on a local map can look like this:
class Location {
// A constructor: creates a Location object with given coordinates
Location( double xcoord, double ycoord ) {
x = xcoord;
y = ycoord;
// Two fields of the type double
double x; // the X coordinate of the location
double y; //the Y coordinate of the location
// A method (function): calculates distance from this location to another
double distanceTo( Location other ) {
double dx = other.x - x;
double dy = other.y - y;
return sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
Having defined such class, we can write very simple and readable code when working with the map, like this:
Location origin = new Location( 0, 0 ); // create the first location
Location destination = new Location( 250, 470 ); // the create second location
double distance = origin.distanceTo( destination ); //calculate the distance
The locations origin and destination are objects and instances of the class Location. The expression new Location( 250, 470 ) is a constructor call, it creates and returns a new instance of the class Location with the given coordinates. The expression origin.distanceTo( destination ) is a method call: it asks the object origin to calculate the distance to another object destination.
Location target; // a variable is declared without initialization. target equals null
target = warehouse; // assign the object (pointed to by the variable) warehouse to target
// now target and warehouse point to the same object
target = null; // target forgets about the warehouse and equals null again
Now suppose some locations in your 2D space correspond to cities. A city has a name and population size. To efficiently manipulate cities we can extend the class Location by adding two more fields: name and population. We will call the new agent City. In Java it will look like this:
class City extends Location { // declaring the class City that extends the class Location
// the constructor for the class City
City( String n, double x, double y ) {
super( x, y ); // calling the constructor of the superclass with the parameters x and y
name = n;
// the population field is not initialized in the constructor; to be set later
// fields of the class City
String name;
int population;
Classes and inheritance
City is called a subclass of Location, and Location is correspondingly a superclass (or base class) of City. City inherits all properties of Location and adds new ones. See how elegant is the code that finds the biggest city in the range of 100 kilometers from a given point of class Location (we assume that there is a collection cities where all cities are included):
int pop = 0;
// here we will remember the largest population found so far
City biggestcity = null; // here we will store the best city found so far
for( City city : cities ) { // for each city in the collection cities
if( point.distanceTo( city ) < 100 && city.population > pop ) { // if best so far
biggestcity = city; // remember it
pop = city.population; // and remember its population size
traceln( "The biggest city within 100km is " + ); // print the search result
Note that although city is an object of class City, which is “bigger” than Location, it still can be treated as Location when needed, in particular when calling the method distanceTo() of class Location.
How about vice versa? You can declare a variable of class Location and assign it an object of class City (a subclass of Location):
Location place = laJolla;
This will work. However, if you will then try to access the population of place, Java will signal an error:
p = place.population; // error: "population cannot be resolved or is not a field"
This happens because Java does not know that place is in fact an object of class City. To handle such situations you can:
- test whether an object of a certain class is actually an object of its particular subclass by using the operator instanceof: <object> instanceof <class>;
- “cast” the object from a superclass to a subclass by writing the name of the subclass in parenthesis before the object: (<class>)<object>.
A typical code pattern is:
if( place instanceof City ) {
City city = (City)place;
int p = city.population;
Virtually all objects that you use to create your models are instances of AnyLogic Java classes. Refer to the AnyLogic class reference to find the Java class names for most model elements you work with. Whenever you will need to find out what can you do with a particular object using Java, you should find the corresponding Java class in AnyLogic API reference and look through its methods and fields.
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