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Working with the Completed runs view

Applies to AnyLogic Cloud 2.5.2. Last modified on March 07, 2025.

The Completed runs view displays the results of all runs of a particular model in a table view.

AnyLogic Cloud: The Completed runs view

This article explains how to work with the table and configure the view. For a general description and quick reference to the elements, see the About section.

By default, the completed runs table shows all runs for a particular version of the model in a chronological order, and each column of the table shows the resulting value for a particular output element. There are several ways to customize the listing.

To sort the runs by a particular value

Sorting is available for string, integer, double, boolean, and date values.

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the the name of the column that corresponds to the value by which you want to sort the list.
  2. Click the column’s title. A single click sorts the table by that value in ascending order, and a double-click sorts it in descending order.

    AnyLogic Cloud: Sorting the runs in the Completed Runs view

If all the runs have the same value for an output, sorting is unavailable.

To filter the runs by a value

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the name of the column that corresponds to the value by which you want to filter the list.
  2. Click the AnyLogic Cloud: Completed runs: The filter icon filter icon that appears to the right.
  3. Based on the type of value, select the operator and enter the comparison value. The available operators are:
    • Numerical: >, ≥, <, ≤ =, ≠
    • Boolean: true, false, any
    • Date: equals, before, after
    • String: contains, equals
    Charts of any kind are not supported for use in filtering.

    AnyLogic Cloud: Filtering the runs in the Completed Runs view

  4. Press Enter.

The table will be filtered according to the comparison results. The filter expression will be visible in the toolbar. Multiple filters are allowed, so you can provide multiple conditions to make your filter expression more complex. You can remove the conditions one by one by clicking the AnyLogic Cloud: The cross icon cross to the right of the condition, or remove them all away by clicking the AnyLogic Cloud: The cross icon cross icon to the right of the entire edit box to reset the view:

AnyLogic Cloud: Removing conditions from the filter in the Completed Runs view

Working with a single run

The Completed runs view provides a variety of functions for in-depth analysis of individual run results:

  • To copy a value from the table, move the mouse pointer over it and click the AnyLogic Cloud: Completed runs: The copy icon copy icon that appears to the side. The value is saved into the clipboard.

    AnyLogic Cloud: Copying a value from the Completed Runs view

  • To view a chart, click the chart icon in a table cell.

    AnyLogic Cloud: Opening the individual chart in the Completed runs view

    The chart will open in a separate dialog box where you can view it in detail. It also provides standard chart navigation options with zooming, panning, and so on.

    AnyLogic Cloud: The chart dialog in the Completed runs view

  • To expand the results of a single run, click the AnyLogic Cloud: The arrow icon arrow icon to the left of that run’s row. This will open a read-only version of the experiment dashboard that contains all chart elements as configured, as well as data sets, statistics elements, and histograms. If the run does not contain any charts, it cannot be expanded.

    AnyLogic Cloud: The expanded single run in the Completed Runs view

Configuring the Completed runs view

To configure the view, click the AnyLogic Cloud: Completed runs: The gear icon gear icon in the upper left corner of the table.

In the dialog that appears, the Shown column lists all the inputs and outputs that are currently displayed in the view. The Hidden column lists all the inputs and outputs that are currently hidden in the view. You can rearrange the items by dragging and dropping them, either to reorder them or to move them between columns.

AnyLogic Cloud: Editing the Completed Runs view

  • To hide an individual element from the view, move the mouse pointer over it in the Shown column and click the AnyLogic Cloud: Completed runs: The shown eye icon eye icon that appears to the right.
    Click Hide all at the top of the column to hide all items.
  • To reveal an individual element in the view, move the mouse pointer over it in the Hidden column and click the AnyLogic Cloud: Completed runs: The hidden eye icon eye icon that appears to the right. Click Show all at the top of the column to show all items.
  • Click Reset to default to return the view to its default state: with all inputs and outputs displayed as they appear in the experiment settings, and with only the default settings hidden from the view.
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