Package com.anylogic.engine.markup
- Field Summary
- Constructor Summary
- Method Summary
- Methods inherited from class com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorStation
- Methods inherited from class com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorPathPart
- Methods inherited from class com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorMarkupElement
- Methods inherited from class com.anylogic.engine.markup.MarkupShape
- Methods inherited from class com.anylogic.engine.markup.AbstractMarkup
- Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
- Methods inherited from interface com.anylogic.engine.markup.AggregatableAnimationElement
- Methods inherited from interface com.anylogic.engine.markup.IMaintenanceableMarkup
- Methods inherited from interface com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IMaterialMarkupLibraryDescriptor
- Methods inherited from interface com.anylogic.engine.markup.INetworkMarkupElement
- Constructor Details
- Method Details
- getLineColor
- getLineTexture
- setLineColor
- getFillColor
- getFillTexture
- setFillColor
- getLibraryDescriptor
- getCapacity
- setCapacity
- getQuantity
- setQuantity
- getUtilization
- getState
- getLoadingMode
- setLoadingMode
- getProcessingMode
- setProcessingMode
- getDelayType
- setDelayType
- stopProcess
- stopProcess
- isProcessing
- isProcessing
- processTime
- onProcessStarted
- onProcessFinished
- size
- getAgent
- getAgents
- contains
- removeAgent
- onLeadingEdgeEnter
- onTrailingEdgeEnter
- onLeadingEdgeExit
- onTrailingEdgeExit
- isFailed
- fail
- repair
- isUseResources
- setUseResources
- isSeizeFromOnePool
- setSeizeFromOnePool
- resourceSets
- resourcePool
- resourceQuantity
- sendResources
- getResourceDestinationType
- setResourceDestinationType
- resourceDestinationNode
- resourceDestinationAttractor
- resourceDestinationX
- resourceDestinationY
- resourceDestinationZ
- movingGoHome
- isCustomizeResourceChoice
- getResourceChoiceCondition
- getStatisticsStartTime
- resetStats
- totalStateTime
- meanStateTime
- priority
- getTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks
- setTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks
- taskPreemptionPolicy
- onTaskSuspended
- onTaskResumed
- onTaskTerminated
- getDowntimeBlocks
- setDowntimeBlocks
- restartMaintenanceTriggers
- startMaintenanceManually
- stopMaintenanceManually
- isMaintenanceActive
- mttr
- mtbf
- mtbf
- mttr
- mttr
- mttr
- mtbf
- mtbf
- getPMLProxy
- java.lang.Object
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.AbstractMarkup
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.MarkupShape
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorMarkupElement<T>
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorPathPart<T>
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorStation<T>
- com.anylogic.engine.markup.ConveyorSimpleStation<T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ConveyorSimpleStation<T extends Agent> extends ConveyorStation<T> implements com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T>, IMaintenanceableMarkup
Use the Station space markup element to draw a simple processing station on a conveyor.
The station can process more than 1 material item at a time. The number of items to process is defined in the Capacity parameter. If two or more material items must be processed simultaneously, the station will wait until the required number of agents arrives.
The time required to process the specified number of material items is defined by the Delay parameter.
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Constructor | Description |
ConveyorSimpleStation | |
ConveyorSimpleStation |
deprecated in version 8.4, will be removed in the future releases
ConveyorSimpleStation |
deprecated in version 8.4, will be removed in the future releases
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
boolean | contains |
Returns true if the given agent (material item) is inside the station, returns false otherwise.
void | fail() |
Initiates station failure.
T | getAgent |
Returns the agent (material item) that is currently located in the station
List<T> | getAgents() |
Returns the list of agents (material items) that are currently located in the station, returns null if none.
int | getCapacity() |
Returns the number of agents (material items) that may be processed by the station.
ConveyorSimpleStationDelayType | getDelayType() | |
IDowntime<?>[] | getDowntimeBlocks() | |
Color | getFillColor() |
Returns fill color of this element
Texture | getFillTexture() |
Returns fill texture of this element
com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T> | getLibraryDescriptor() | |
Color | getLineColor() |
Returns line color of this element
Texture | getLineTexture() |
Returns line texture of this element
ConveyorSimpleStationLoadingMode | getLoadingMode() | |
Object | getPMLProxy() | |
ConveyorSimpleStationProcessingMode | getProcessingMode() | |
int | getQuantity() |
the method may be removed in next release, use
getCapacity() instead |
boolean | getResourceChoiceCondition | |
Object | getResourceDestinationType() |
Returns the type of destination the resources are sent to.
ConveyorSimpleStationState | getState() | |
double | getStatisticsStartTime() | |
boolean | getTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks() | |
double | getUtilization() | |
boolean | isCustomizeResourceChoice() | |
boolean | isFailed() |
Returns true if the station failed (broke down) and is not operating, returns false otherwise.
boolean | isMaintenanceActive | |
boolean | isProcessing() |
Returns true if the station is processing agents (material items), returns false otherwise.
boolean | isProcessing |
Returns true if the station is processing the agent (material item), returns false otherwise.
boolean | isSeizeFromOnePool() |
Returns true if the station will be using resource units of the same pool, returns false otherwise.
boolean | isUseResources() |
Returns true if the station is using resource units, returns false otherwise.
double | meanStateTime | |
boolean | movingGoHome | |
double | mtbf() |
Returns mean time between failures in model time units.
double | mtbf |
Returns mean time between failures for specified Downtime block (in model time units).
double | mtbf |
Returns mean time between failures for specified Downtime block (in specified time units).
double | mtbf |
Returns mean time between failures in specified time units.
double | mttr() |
Returns mean time to repair in model time units.
double | mttr |
Returns mean time to repair for specified Downtime block (in model time units).
double | mttr |
Returns mean time to repair for specified Downtime block (in specified time units).
double | mttr |
Returns mean time to repair in specified time units.
void | onLeadingEdgeEnter |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
void | onLeadingEdgeExit |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
void | onProcessFinished |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
void | onProcessStarted |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
void | onTaskResumed | |
void | onTaskSuspended | |
void | onTaskTerminated | |
void | onTrailingEdgeEnter |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
void | onTrailingEdgeExit |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Callback action. |
double | priority | |
double | processTime |
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons. Returns delay for the given agent(s) |
boolean | removeAgent |
Removes the given agent from the station.
void | repair() |
Repairs station, makes it available again.
void | resetStats() | |
Attractor | resourceDestinationAttractor | |
INode<?, | resourceDestinationNode | |
double | resourceDestinationX | |
double | resourceDestinationY | |
double | resourceDestinationZ | |
Object | resourcePool | |
int | resourceQuantity | |
Object[][] | resourceSets | |
void | restartMaintenanceTriggers | |
boolean | sendResources | |
void | setCapacity |
Sets the number of agents (material items) that may be processed by the station.
void | setDelayType | |
void | setDowntimeBlocks | |
void | setFillColor |
Sets the fill color of this element
void | setLineColor |
Sets the line color of this element
void | setLoadingMode | |
void | setProcessingMode |
Cannot be changed in runtime
void | setQuantity |
the method may be removed in next release, use
#setCapacity() instead |
void | setResourceDestinationType | |
void | setSeizeFromOnePool | |
void | setTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks | |
void | setUseResources | |
int | size() |
Returns the current number of agents (material items) inside the station
void | startMaintenanceManually | |
void | stopMaintenanceManually | |
void | stopProcess() |
Stops the station when called.
void | stopProcess |
Stops processing of specified agent.
TaskPreemptionPolicy | taskPreemptionPolicy | |
double | totalStateTime |
error, getDrawMode, getFullName, getOutsideLevelZ, getPresentable, getSpace, initialize, isClickHandled, isPublic, onClick, remove, setDrawMode, setOwner
discardOwner, executeUserAction, findSVGElement, getName, getOrGenerateUSDId, getSVGId, initializeInternal, isVisible, onAggregatorInitialized, onAggregatorVisibilityChanged, removeSVGFromOwner, resetSVGState, setVisible, updateDynamicProperties, updateDynamicPropertiesStructural, updateSVGProperties
Methods inherited from interface com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IMaterialMarkupLibraryDescriptor
getMarkup, setMarkup
public ConveyorSimpleStation(ConveyorPath<? extends T> conveyor)
@Deprecated public ConveyorSimpleStation(ConveyorPath<? extends T> conveyor, ShapeDrawMode drawMode, boolean isPublic, double offset, double lengthInMeters)
deprecated in version 8.4, will be removed in the future releases
- Parameters:
@AnyLogicInternalAPI @Deprecated public ConveyorSimpleStation(ConveyorPath<? extends T> conveyor, ShapeDrawMode drawMode, boolean isPublic, double offsetInPixels, double lengthInMeters, Paint fillColor, Paint lineColor, com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T> descriptor)
deprecated in version 8.4, will be removed in the future releases
- Parameters:
- the conveyordrawMode
- offset measured from the beginning of conveyor to the end of this station, in pixels.lengthInMeters
- the length of this station in meters.descriptor
public Color getLineColor()
Returns line color of this element
- Returns:
- line color of this element
public Texture getLineTexture()
Returns line texture of this element
- Returns:
- line texture of this element
public void setLineColor(Paint lineColor)
Sets the line color of this element
- Parameters:
- color
public Color getFillColor()
Returns fill color of this element
- Returns:
- fill color of this element
public Texture getFillTexture()
Returns fill texture of this element
- Returns:
- fill texture of this element
public void setFillColor(Paint fillColor)
Sets the fill color of this element
- Parameters:
- color
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public com.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T> getLibraryDescriptor()
public int getCapacity()
Returns the number of agents (material items) that may be processed by the station.
public void setCapacity(int capacity)
Sets the number of agents (material items) that may be processed by the station.
@Deprecated public int getQuantity()
the method may be removed in next release, use
insteadReturns the number of agents (material items) required to start the processing.
- Returns:
- the number of agents (material items) required to start the processing.
@Deprecated public void setQuantity(int quantity)
the method may be removed in next release, use
insteadSets the number of agents (material items) that must be processed simultaneously.
- Parameters:
- - the number of agents (material items).
public double getUtilization()
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T extends Agent>
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public ConveyorSimpleStationState getState()
public ConveyorSimpleStationLoadingMode getLoadingMode()
public void setLoadingMode(ConveyorSimpleStationLoadingMode mode)
public ConveyorSimpleStationProcessingMode getProcessingMode()
public void setProcessingMode(ConveyorSimpleStationProcessingMode mode)
Cannot be changed in runtime
public ConveyorSimpleStationDelayType getDelayType()
public void setDelayType(ConveyorSimpleStationDelayType type)
public void stopProcess()
Stops the station when called.
public void stopProcess(Agent agent)
Stops processing of specified agent.
Note, this method can only be called when the station is in the
Note, this method can only be called when the station is in the
If the station is in the other processing mode, use stopProcess()
instead.public boolean isProcessing()
Returns true if the station is processing agents (material items), returns false otherwise.
public boolean isProcessing(Agent agent)
Returns true if the station is processing the agent (material item), returns false otherwise.
@AnyLogicInternalCodegenAPI public double processTime(T agent, List<T> allAgents, TimeUnits units)
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Returns delay for the given agent(s)
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Returns delay for the given agent(s)
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T extends Agent>
- Parameters:
- the agent if this station has only one agent. Otherwise - the first (nearest to the exit) agent.allAgents
- list of agents in this station, sorted: 0th element is the nearest to the exit.units
- requested units of the delay value- Returns:
- delay timeout in the given units
@AnyLogicInternalCodegenAPI public void onProcessStarted(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T extends Agent>
- Parameters:
- the agent if this station has only one agent. Otherwise - the first (nearest to the exit) agent.allAgents
- list of agents in this station, sorted: 0th element is the nearest to the exit.
@AnyLogicInternalCodegenAPI public void onProcessFinished(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T extends Agent>
- Parameters:
- the agent if this station has only one agent. Otherwise - the first (nearest to the exit) agent.allAgents
- list of agents in this station, sorted: 0th element is the nearest to the exit.
public int size()
Returns the current number of agents (material items) inside the station
public T getAgent(int index)
Returns the agent (material item) that is currently located in the station
public List<T> getAgents()
Returns the list of agents (material items) that are currently located in the station, returns null if none.
public boolean contains(Agent agent)
Returns true if the given agent (material item) is inside the station, returns false otherwise.
public boolean removeAgent(Agent agent)
Removes the given agent from the station. The agent will be removed only if it is currently located inside the station.
public void onLeadingEdgeEnter(T agent)
Description copied from interface:
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
public void onTrailingEdgeEnter(T agent)
Description copied from interface:
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
public void onLeadingEdgeExit(T agent)
Description copied from interface:
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
public void onTrailingEdgeExit(T agent)
Description copied from interface:
This method is internal and shouldn't be called by user.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
it may be removed/renamed in future. It is public due to technical reasons.
Callback action.
public boolean isFailed()
Returns true if the station failed (broke down) and is not operating, returns false otherwise.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IMaterialFallible
- Returns:
- true if the station failed (broke down) and is not operating, returns false otherwise.
public void fail()
Initiates station failure. The station stops processing.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IMaterialFallible
public void repair()
Repairs station, makes it available again. Resumes station processing.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IMaterialFallible
public boolean isUseResources()
Returns true if the station is using resource units, returns false otherwise.
public void setUseResources(boolean useResources)
public boolean isSeizeFromOnePool()
Returns true if the station will be using resource units of the same pool, returns false otherwise.
public void setSeizeFromOnePool(boolean seizeFromOnePool)
public Object[][] resourceSets(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
public Object resourcePool(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
public int resourceQuantity(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
public boolean sendResources(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public Object getResourceDestinationType()
Returns the type of destination the resources are sent to.
Valid values:
- Seize.DestinationType.DEST_NODE - the node the resources will be sent to.
- Seize.DestinationType.DEST_ATTRACTOR - the attractor the resources will be sent to.
- Seize.DestinationType.DEST_XYZ - the coordinates the resources will be sent to.
public void setResourceDestinationType(Object resourceDestinationType)
public INode<?,?> resourceDestinationNode(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public Attractor resourceDestinationAttractor(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public double resourceDestinationX(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public double resourceDestinationY(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public double resourceDestinationZ(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public boolean movingGoHome(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public boolean isCustomizeResourceChoice()
public boolean getResourceChoiceCondition(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit, Object pool)
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public double getStatisticsStartTime()
public void resetStats()
- Specified by:
in interfacecom.anylogic.engine.markup.material_handling.IConveyorSimpleStationDescriptor<T extends Agent>
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double totalStateTime(ConveyorSimpleStationState state, TimeUnits units)
public double meanStateTime(ConveyorSimpleStationState state, TimeUnits units)
public double priority(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
public boolean getTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks()
public void setTaskMayPreemptOtherTasks(boolean value)
public TaskPreemptionPolicy taskPreemptionPolicy(T agent, List<T> allAgents)
public void onTaskSuspended(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public void onTaskResumed(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public void onTaskTerminated(T agent, List<T> allAgents, Agent unit)
public IDowntime<?>[] getDowntimeBlocks()
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public void setDowntimeBlocks(IDowntime<?>[] downtimeBlocks)
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public void restartMaintenanceTriggers(IDowntime<?> block)
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public void startMaintenanceManually(IDowntime<?> block)
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public void stopMaintenanceManually(IDowntime<?> block)
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public boolean isMaintenanceActive(IDowntime<?> block)
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double mttr()
Returns mean time to repair in model time units.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double mtbf()
Returns mean time between failures in model time units.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double mtbf(TimeUnits units)
Returns mean time between failures in specified time units.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double mttr(TimeUnits units)
Returns mean time to repair in specified time units.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
public double mttr(IDowntime<?> downtime)
Returns mean time to repair for specified Downtime block (in model time units).
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Parameters:
- the Downtime block
public double mttr(IDowntime<?> downtime, TimeUnits units)
Returns mean time to repair for specified Downtime block (in specified time units).
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Parameters:
- the Downtime blockunits
- seeTimeUnits
public double mtbf(IDowntime<?> downtime)
Returns mean time between failures for specified Downtime block (in model time units).
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Parameters:
- the Downtime block
public double mtbf(IDowntime<?> downtime, TimeUnits units)
Returns mean time between failures for specified Downtime block (in specified time units).
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup
- Parameters:
- the Downtime blockunits
- seeTimeUnits
@AnyLogicInternalAPI public Object getPMLProxy()
- Specified by:
in interfaceIMaintenanceableMarkup